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This Paranormal Explains the Reason Roy Kiyoshi Cannot Predict His Own Future

This Paranormal Explains the Reason Roy Kiyoshi Cannot Predict His Own Future Roy Kiyoshi © Akrom Sukarya - When Roy Kiyoshi was arrested for drugs, many were surprised. Especially since Roy had just predicted that many celebrities would be caught using drugs this year, and it turns out he was one of them.

This made netizens wonder why Roy couldn't predict that he would also be arrested. With his ability as an indigo, can Roy not predict his own future?

This question was then answered by tarot reader, Denny Darko. Through his YouTube channel, Denny revealed the reasons why Roy cannot predict his own future like he does for others.

1. There is Dissatisfaction

Denny predicts what will happen to Roy through tarot cards. In the card he is holding, it appears that someone is in prison. And he suspects that Roy is arrested because there is someone who doesn't like him.

"Many people ask, does Roy already predict this? Does he already know all of this? Actually, this case is similar to when he was deceived, 300 million if I'm not mistaken, by someone close to him. If I may say, this involves someone who is close to Roy. Not directly reporting, but there is dissatisfaction, there is dislike, then this becomes a clue and reveals all of this. But this is just my assumption, from the cards I hold," said Denny.


2. Cannot Predict Themselves

According to Denny, a paranormal usually cannot clearly see what will happen to themselves. All because there are emotions that become barriers to see objectively.

"Can a paranormal predict themselves? But when I see my conversations with other paranormal, with Mbak You, with Ki Joko Bodo and many others. If analogized like this. Om Rudi Hadisuwarno is good at cutting hair. But as good as he is, even if given a big mirror and the most expensive tools. Surely if he is asked to cut his own hair, the result will not be as good as when cutting other people's hair," explained Denny.

3. Not Objective

According to Denny, when someone claims to be able to predict their own future, the result will not be truly objective. This is because of emotional factors and the effort to prove to others that their predictions are correct.

"There are some things that we cannot do independently for ourselves. Maybe we can do our own makeup, but not our own hair. If there is someone who claims to be able to predict their own future, usually they are not objective," he explained.

4. Denny's Hope

Lastly, Denny hopes that the public will stop cornering Roy, who is currently in custody at the South Jakarta Police Resort. He asks everyone to not only remember the bad things, but also what Roy has done in the past.

"Remember, Roy has entertained us for a long time with his skills. I hope we don't forget that and bully Roy excessively," he requested.

Denny also predicts that Roy will eventually breathe the free air and undergo rehabilitation. Will Denny's prediction come true? Just wait and see.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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