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Treated by Ashanty Since Elementary School, Aurel and Azriel Reveal Their Feelings to Their Stepmother

Treated by Ashanty Since Elementary School, Aurel and Azriel Reveal Their Feelings to Their Stepmother Aurel, Ashanty, Azriel, Arsya © - Aurel Hermansyah and Azriel are the children of Anang from his marriage with Krisdayanti which has ended. After the divorce, Anang remarried the beautiful singer Ashanty and became a mother to her husband's children from his first marriage.

Although she is just a stepmother, Ashanty who is called Aurel and Azriel's mother is very close to her stepchildren. She is even the one who takes care of both of them along with their two other children, the fruits of her marriage with Anang.

During a QnA session with netizens, Aurel and Azriel were asked, 'What is the meaning of Mother Ashanty to both of them?'. Here are their answers!




1. When flirting with Ashanty

When asked about it, Azriel and Aurel reminisced a little about when they first met Ashanty. They both admitted to being amazed at how they could get close to their mother.

"Mom took care of us from...the beginning, it was really extraordinary," said Azriel, remembering.

Aurel then responded, "Back then, Pipi (Anang) had rumors, who has she been with, who has she been with. We couldn't welcome her either. Especially him (pointing to Azriel)," said Aurel.

"And I used to be with someone I didn't know, I didn't want to talk. So Mom was really extraordinary to be able to get close in the end," said Azriel.

2. Aurel Doesn't Want to Fake

Aurel also expressed her admiration for Ashanty, whom she considered effortless in getting close to her and Azriel. Their closeness suddenly flowed naturally.

"I always say, we shouldn't try to get close. Because if we try to get close, it looks fake. But if we just be ourselves, just the way I am," said Aurel.

3. Admiration for Ashanty

Aurel then discussed Ashanty as a mother figure in her life. She admires her mother again. Azriel also praised Ashanty as a caring mother for all the children, including educational matters.

"Mother is someone who has taken care of us since elementary school. She can take care of four children with a bunch of work at the same time. Moreover, when I was young, our age was like being naughty. At the age of 17, lying, coming home late. That's not an easy thing for parents. Mother is very patient," praised Aurel while giving two thumbs up for Ashanty.

4. Azriel About Ashanty

Azriel, who is usually called Jiel, also gave his opinion about Ashanty. There are several things that he cannot forget about his mother.

"Because it's possible that mom could get angry and run away. Especially when I was still a child. Moreover, we were really dirty back then," said Azriel.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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