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Turns Out Equally Funny, 7 Portraits of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's Child - Also Has Random Behavior

Turns Out Equally Funny, 7 Portraits of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's Child - Also Has Random Behavior Portraits of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's child (credit: - Hesti Purwadinata is known as a funny and entertaining presenter when hosting several television programs. Apparently, the artist's random and silly behavior is also inherited by her son, Regas.

Funny moments of Hesti Purwadinata's child were captured during the program Lapor Pak!. Interestingly, Regas showed random and silly behavior like his mother. Seeing her son being funny, Hesti Purwadinata was embarrassed and couldn't hold back her laughter.

Meanwhile, many netizens were distracted by Hesti Purwadinata and Edo Borne's teenage child. Curious about what portraits of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's child look like? Check it out here KLovers.

1. Portrait of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's Child

Regas Borne Putra is known as the first child of Hesti Purwadinata and Edo Borne. On various occasions, Hesti often shares moments together with her beloved child through social media accounts. Meanwhile, Regas has an older stepbrother and a younger brother. Here is the latest portrait of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's child, that caught the attention of netizens.

2. Already 13 Years Old

Born in 2011, Regas is now 13 years old. Hesti Purwadinata describes her teenage son as calm and obedient. This is different from Regas' childhood when he used to make vlog videos on his mother's phone. Here is the charming appearance of Regas, who is now a teenager.

3. Beautiful Appearance

On several occasions, Regas often spends time with his family. Interestingly, Hesti Purwadinata's child has a beautiful appearance inherited from both parents. Like in this portrait, Regas' handsome appearance successfully captures attention. Many people say that Regas' appearance is a charming combination of Hesti Purwadinata and Edo Borne. Meanwhile, this moment was captured when Edo Borne took his son to watch the national team's match some time ago.

4. Harmonious with Family

Regas' togetherness with his family is captured warmly in various occasions. Hesti Purwadinata and Edo Borne often take their child on vacation abroad. In this portrait, Regas appears close to his family, including having a harmonious relationship with his siblings. This is a moment of Regas being together with his family while celebrating Eid al-Fitr.

5. His Height Matches His Father's

Although still a teenager, Regas already has a height that matches his father's. Look at this portrait, Edo Borne standing next to his son appears to be at the same level. This celebrity father and son often spend time together. This moment was captured when Edo Borne went on vacation to Korea with his wife and three children.

6. Appearing on TV Program with His Mother

Regas often accompanies his mother in the entertainment world. Interestingly, recently Hesti Purwadinata's son appeared on a TV show hosted by his mother. The show titled Lapor Pak! aired on June 19, 2024.

Regas appeared wearing a high school uniform. In his appearance, Regas managed to attract attention with his funny and spontaneous behavior. Moreover, he even shared a frame with his mother, providing additional entertainment.

7. Equally Funny and Random

Many people describe Regas' appearance on this comedy TV show as truly funny and random. Andre Taulany, Andhika Pratama, and Wendy Cagur also admit to the randomness of Hesti Purwadinata's child, which is said to have inherited from his mother.

In the same opportunity, there is a funny scene when Regas shows his funny and random behavior during magic tricks. Interestingly, it is not the magic tricks that resemble a magician's act, but the funny behavior that successfully brings laughter. This makes Hesti Purwadinata look shy when Regas jokes.

That is a portrait of Regas, Hesti Purwadinata's teenage child. This artist's child successfully steals attention with his funny actions when appearing on TV program.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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