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Upload Old Photos, Maia Estianty Proves Her Beauty Has Lasted From Then Until Now!

Upload Old Photos, Maia Estianty Proves Her Beauty Has Lasted From Then Until Now! Maia Estianty. Credit: The Aristokrat via taken on 13/3/2020 at 16.16 - Maia Estianty is one of the successful musicians in the country. As known, this woman has produced songs that instantly became hits in the market.

On the other hand, Maia Estianty is also a favorite of many people because of her looks. This mother of three still looks fresh and captivating even though she is no longer young.

Recently, the former wife of Ahmad Dhani uploaded an old photo of herself when she was young, proving that she has been beautiful since then.

1. Maia Estianty's Post

On Thursday (12/20) yesterday, Maia Estianty uploaded a vintage photo of herself with her sister, Pinky Evianty. The old portrait shows the beauty of both of them.

"Both of us were so silly, Pinky Evianty. What year was this, I forgot," wrote Maia embellishing the post.

2. Eternal Beautiful Charm

Through the old photo, Maia proves her timeless beauty from the past until now. Smiling widely, the musician looks so sweet.

In the comment section, many netizens agree about Maia's everlasting beauty. "Bunda Maia has been the most beautiful since forever," expressed one of the followers.

What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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