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Viral Ancestry of Maia Estianty and Mulan Jameela Said to Have Historical Relationship, Is it true?

Viral Ancestry of Maia Estianty and Mulan Jameela Said to Have Historical Relationship, Is it true? Maia Estianty and Mulan Jameela © - Recently, the names Maia Estianty and Mulan Jameela went viral on Twitter. The cause was a tweet from a parody account named @akticis, which claimed that their ancestors actually had a historical relationship.

In the tweet, @akticis mentioned that Maia is a descendant of HOS Tjokroaminoto. While Mulan Jameela is the niece of Kartosuwirjo's wife, a student of HOS Tjokroaminoto.

In a short time, this tweet went viral and has been retweeted more than 1300 times. The number of likes is also significant, with over 3400, indicating that this tweet has spread to various accounts.


1. Is that Tweet True?

Let's uncover the facts behind this tweet. Firstly, it should be noted that @akticis is a parody account, not a serious account.

Maia Estianty is indeed a descendant of HOS Tjokroaminoto. Her father, Harjono Sigit, is the son of the hero, and Maia is his granddaughter.

As for Mulan Jameela, it is still uncertain whether she is truly the wife of Kartosuwirjo's niece, the wife of Ahmad Dhani. Mulan does have the blood of a fighter from her late father, RE Komar, who was a bodyguard of the first President of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno. But Mulan's connection with Kartosuwirjo remains vague.

2. Mulan Has Not Clarified

As of the publication of this news, is still trying to obtain a statement from Mulan Jameela. Is the tweet posted by @akticis true or just pure humor?

However, most netizens who read this tweet consider it as mere humor. Some have responded by mentioning that history records Ahmad Dhani as the Father of the Republic of Love, as done by the account @maoloodee.

But @akticis explains that Mulan's mother is indeed a cousin of Kartosuwirjo's wife. However, no authentic evidence is provided for this statement.

What is Mulan's statement? Stay tuned for updates here.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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