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Give Support to Widi Mulia, Raffi Ahmad: Everything's Gonna Be All Right

Give Support to Widi Mulia, Raffi Ahmad: Everything's Gonna Be All Right Raffi Ahmad, Nagita Slavina, and Widi Mulia © Akrom Sukarya - Actor Dwi Sasono implicated in a drug case. He was arrested last Tuesday (26/5). A search was conducted and several grams of marijuana were found in his house. The legal process for the film star MENDADAK DANGDUT is still ongoing.

Many were shocked by Dwi's arrest. Sadness is still visible on the face of his wife, Widi Mulia. At least that's what can be seen when Widi revealed an open letter on Friday (5/6) on Instagram.


1. Message from Raffi Ahmad

Also showing support, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina visited Widi and his family. Raffi himself uploaded a photo of their togetherness on Instagram last Sunday (7/6).

He is seen posing with Gigi, Widi, and Widi's three children. A short caption is written there. "Everything's gonna be all right," he wrote.

2. Widi Expresses Gratitude

Widi himself feels very grateful for the support from Raffi and Gigi.

"Thank you for the love and support that strengthens me. May Allah SWT multiply your kindness and always embrace you tightly @raffinagita1717," he wrote on Instagram on the same day.

3. Birthday Gift

In addition, Dwi's children also had a message for their father through a video on the Rans Entertainment Youtube channel last Sunday (7/6).

Their messages are a reflection of strength. The most touching message came from the eldest. Dru Prawiro Sasono, who had just had his birthday, asked for a special gift from his father.

"Yesterday was my birthday. The gift I wanted was just for dad to come back and be together again," he said with determination.

4. hoping for Prayers and Support

Widi herself, who has been so strong all this time, hopes that prayers and support will always surround them.

"I hope everyone who watches this will support and pray that we will continue to create despite the sad situation," said this 41-year-old woman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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