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Preparing to Welcome Second Child, Glenn Alinskie Busy Searching for a Name

Preparing to Welcome Second Child, Glenn Alinskie Busy Searching for a Name Glenn Alnskie © Kampua - Chelsea Olivia's pregnancy is currently at five months. However, she admits that she hasn't prepared any items to welcome her second child.

"Honestly, because it's still four months away from the fifth month, we haven't bought anything for preparation," said Chelsea Olivia to Kapanlagi, on Saturday (6/6).

1. Glenn Alinskie Busy Searching for a Name

Meanwhile, Chelsea Olivia said that her husband Glenn Alinskie is now busier looking for a good name for their second child, whose gender is still being kept secret.

“Maybe now, for Glenn, he is preparing the name for our second child. Hehe,” she said.

2. Chelsea Olivia Focuses on Health

Meanwhile, Chelsea Olivia is more focused on taking care of her health. Because in this second pregnancy, she feels more easily nauseous and dizzy.

“If it's for me, honestly, because I'm still experiencing dizziness at 18 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes I still feel weak, and my stomach sometimes contracts,” Chelsea Olivia explained.

3. Don't Get Sick

Because in this situation of the corona virus pandemic, it is difficult to go to the doctor. Therefore, she is trying her best not to get sick.

“So now, what I'm preparing more is because it's not possible to have regular check-ups with the doctor, I'm focusing on preparing my physical health, so that I'm fit and healthy, and also for the health of my child,” she stated.

4. Must Stay Healthy

Chelsea herself understands how difficult it is to go to the hospital during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Therefore, she tries to always stay healthy.

"Because I know that during a pandemic like this, it's not easy to go to the hospital. So, I have to constantly think that I have to stay healthy, I can't get sick. Because going to the hospital is very complicated," said Chelsea Olivia.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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