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Dwi Sasono's Children Give Touching Message, Want Their Birthday Gift to be Their Father's Return

Dwi Sasono's Children Give Touching Message, Want Their Birthday Gift to be Their Father's Return Dwi Sasono and family (Credit: - Actor Dwi Sasono was arrested by the police for a drug case on Tuesday (26/5), precisely one day after Eid. The news was released by the police on Monday (1/6).

Dwi was arrested at his home with evidence of nearly 16 grams of marijuana hidden on top of a wardrobe. This case has deeply hurt Widi Mulia and their children.

1. Can Swim Again

Although sad, Dwi Sasono's children remain hopeful. They still managed to send a message to their father through a video on the Rans Entertainment Youtube channel last Sunday (7/6).

Their daughter, Widuri Putri Sasono, hopes for her father's quick return and to accompany her in swimming again.

"Hello father, I miss you. When you come back, let's swim and draw together again," she said, which was met with tears of emotion by Nagita Slavina.

2. Birthday Gift

Meanwhile, the eldest, Dru Prawiro Sasono, who has just had a birthday, asked for a special gift from his father.

"Yesterday was my birthday. The gift that I wanted was just for my father to come home and be together again," he said with determination.

3. Message about Prayer

The youngest also didn't want to miss giving a message. He asked his father to continue to maintain prayer. "I hope father is doing well there. Keep up with your good prayers there," said the little one while sitting on his mother's lap.

4. Hoping for Support and Prayers

Widi herself, who has been so strong all this time, hopes that prayers and support will always surround them.

"I hope everyone watching this will support and pray that we will continue to create despite the sad situation," said the 41-year-old woman.

5. Children Strive to be Strong

He also explained how his three children strive to be strong. That is also the reason why he becomes stronger in facing this trial.

"Although honestly there is still regret, but with these children, it seems like they are trying to be strong. I am also trying," he concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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