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Virgoun Former Husband Inara Rusli Arrested for Alleged Possession of Illegal Drugs, This is the Police's Statement

Virgoun Former Husband Inara Rusli Arrested for Alleged Possession of Illegal Drugs, This is the Police's Statement Virgoun: - Surprising news came from renowned musician Virgoun Tambunan. The frontman of the band Last Child is reportedly arrested by the police.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Syahduddi confirmed the news of Virgoun's arrest. He stated that the former husband of Inara Rusli is allegedly detained in connection with the possession of illegal drugs.

"It's true (a musician is arrested). Yes (the musician is Virgoun)," said Commissioner M. Syahduddi briefly when contacted by the media on Thursday (20/6/2024) through text messages.

When asked about the timing of the arrest and other details, Commissioner Syahduddi asked to directly inquire with the Narcotics Unit Chief.

"For the details, ask the narcotics unit," said Commissioner M. Syahduddi.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Already Go Public, 7 Portraits of Aurelie Moeremans and Tyler Bigenho's Dating Style Approved by One Indonesia

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Already Go Public, 7 Portraits of Aurelie Moeremans and Tyler Bigenho's Dating Style Approved by One Indonesia