Virgoun Secretly Reports Inara Rusli to the Jakarta Metro Police - The feud between musician Virgoun and Inara Rusli continues. The latest development is that the father of three secretly made a report against Inara to the Jakarta Metro Police.
"Our client, Mr. Virgoun, has officially made a report," said Sandy Arifin, Virgoun's legal representative, when met at the Jakarta Metro Police, South Jakarta, on Friday (21/7/2023).
Unfortunately, Sandy has not revealed which charges Virgoun has reported against Inara. "For the charges and other details, you can inquire with the police," said Sandy.
1. Report Filed Three Weeks Ago
Sandy said that his client has filed a police report against Inara a few weeks ago. The case has also been received by the investigators.
"Three weeks ago (for the report)," said Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno, another lawyer of Virgoun.
2. Refusing to Give Further Explanation
(credit: Prayoga)
When asked again about the article on the report submitted by Virgoun against Inara, a man familiarly called Kris asked the media to inquire with the police.
"The police know exactly. What is clear is that if there is someone harming the client, we must take action," Kris concluded.
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