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Wearing Earrings, Desta Gets Scolded by Miskha Who Dislikes His Father's Appearance - Doesn't Look Like a Muslim

Wearing Earrings, Desta Gets Scolded by Miskha Who Dislikes His Father's Appearance - Doesn't Look Like a Muslim Desta Gets Scolded by Miskha / Photo Credit: - From the marriage of former couple Desta and Natasha Rizky since April 21, 2023, they were blessed with three amazing children. Besides being beautiful and handsome, Desta and Natasha's children are known to be intelligent and critical.

Although their marriage officially ended in divorce on June 19, 2023, these parents remain committed to caring for their three children. Their three children are named Megumi Arrawda Sachi, Miskha Arrawfa Najma, and Miguel Arrawsya Janied, who are now under Natasha's custody.

Nevertheless, Desta still always makes time to spend with his children. Recently, in a vlog uploaded by Desta on his YouTube account Trio Strong Family, Desta shared the fun moments playing with his three children. However, Miskha's remark became the highlight, KLovers.


1. See Father Wearing Earrings

Desta and Natasha's children grow up to be intelligent and critical. The same goes for Miskha, the typical second child who easily expresses his feelings. 

Like recently. Through a vlog uploaded by Desta, at that time Desta was playing with his three children. However, in the midst of the conversation between father and child, Miskha suddenly realized something different about his father. 

Miskha realized that Desta was wearing an earring on his left ear. Miskha immediately expressed his dislike and asked Desta to remove the earring accessory. Earrings are intended for women, not men. That's why Miskha expressed his dislike.

"Remove the earring, it's ugly, ugly like that Miskha doesn't like it! Not like a Muslim!" Miskha said to his father. This video clip became viral among TikTok users and went viral.


2. Desta's Reaction to Being Scolded by His Child

When receiving criticism and orders from his child, Desta seemed momentarily surprised that his 7-year-old could express the reasons for his dislike. He simply smiled and didn't argue with his daughter's words.

Afterwards, Desta asked his child to sit down and have a relaxed conversation again. "Yesterday, did you see Dad get angry? You shouldn't see Dad get angry, right? Dad never kicks, never, but sometimes flicks the ear," he said.



3. Netizen's Reactions

Observing Desta's interaction with his scolding child and being called un-Islamic, netizens voiced their opinions through a viral video clip on social media. Many also offered advice to Desta. 

"Desta really needs to change, kids nowadays are more critical," wrote one netizen.

"If I were in Desta's position and my child said that, I would definitely not use it again the next day," said another netizen.

"Desta got slapped hard by his child," added another.



4. Once Prayed for Diligent Prayer

Previously, Desta's first child named Megumi also drew attention when she prayed for her father to be diligent in prayer. She expressed her prayer when Desta turned 44 years old.

"May dad pray again, may dad always be healthy," said the first child innocently in a YouTube video posted by VINDES.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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