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Without the Presence of Rieta Amilia, 7 Portraits of Gavrel, Her Adopted Child Who Graduated from Junior High School

Without the Presence of Rieta Amilia, 7 Portraits of Gavrel, Her Adopted Child Who Graduated from Junior High School Portraits of Gavrel, Rieta Amailia's adopted child (credit: - Rieta Amilia's adopted child, Rieta Amilia, has just attended a graduation ceremony at school. However, Nagita Slavina's mother could not attend Gavrel's graduation due to performing the Hajj pilgrimage.

Although she was not present, Rieta Amilia shared the happy moment of her son's graduation through social media. Gavrel was seen accompanied by close relatives who attended the graduation ceremony.

In Gavrel's graduation moment, Rieta Amilia expressed gratitude and happiness after her son graduated from junior high school. Curious about what portraits of Gavrel, Rieta Amilia's adopted child, look like? Check it out here, klovers.

1. Portrait of Rieta Amilia's Foster Child Graduation

Gavrel is known as Rieta Amilia's foster child who has been raised since childhood. In her latest post on her personal social media account, Gavrel has just graduated. Rieta Amilia, who is currently performing the hajj pilgrimage, can only share the moment of her son's graduation.

This is a portrait of Gavrel whose photo is displayed on a graduation poster. The poster shows Gavrel when he was still a child and his latest appearance at the age of 16. In addition, the full name of Rieta Amilia's foster child, Gavrel Putra Berkah Ararya, is written.

2. Already Graduated from Junior High School

Rieta Amilia's foster child is known to have graduated from Junior High School (SMP). Along with his classmates, Gavrel participated in the graduation ceremony solemnly. As seen in this portrait, Gavrel appears aware of the camera when his graduation moment is captured. He stands beside some of his school friends during the graduation ceremony.

3. Without the Presence of Rieta Amilia

As mentioned earlier, Gavrel's graduation took place without the presence of Rieta Amilia. This is because, at the same time as the graduation ceremony, Rieta Amilia was performing the Hajj pilgrimage since June 8, 2024. Although it was incomplete without the presence of his mother, Gavrel seemed happy when receiving his diploma. This is a portrait of Gavrel when he went on stage to receive his graduation certificate.

4. Accompanied by Close Relatives

During the graduation ceremony, Gavrel was accompanied by his aunt. Rieta Amilia expressed her gratitude in a social media post because Gavrel was accompanied by his closest relatives. The presence of these close relatives became support and encouragement for Gavrel, even in the absence of Rieta Amilia's arrival.

5. Rieta Amilia Also Happy

Rieta Amilia expresses her happiness and gratitude after her son successfully graduates from junior high school. Although she couldn't attend, she sends a message of support and happiness for Gavrel's graduation moment. The message contains expressions of pride from Nagita Slavina's mother because her son has graduated.

"Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. Congratulations, brother Gavrel. I'm sorry, Mama couldn't accompany you," wrote Rieta Amilia in the caption @rieta_amilia.

6. Appearing in Batik Attire

At the graduation ceremony, Gavrel wore a dark-colored batik attire as seen in this portrait. He looked very neat wearing the graduation necklace and sash with the school's graduation emblem. Interestingly, Gavrel also captured the moment with the former 17th Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.

7. Flood of Congratulations

Gavrel's foster child graduation was flooded with congratulations from several celebrity friends and netizens. Including, Rieta Amilia's son-in-law, Amy Qanita, who also gave congratulations. This is Gavrel's moment with his school friends at the graduation ceremony. Gavrel can be seen in the second row at the far end when taking a photo with his friends.

That is the portrait of Gavrel, Rieta Amilia's foster child, who stole the attention. Congratulations!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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