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Zul Zivilia Rumored to Be Sentenced to Death for Drug Case, Wife Will Take Strict Action Against Hoax Spreaders

Zul Zivilia Rumored to Be Sentenced to Death for Drug Case, Wife Will Take Strict Action Against Hoax Spreaders Zul Zivilia's wife is upset with the hoax news © Herdianto - News about Zul Zivilia being sentenced to death for a drug case that caught him has recently gone viral on social media. However, the news is clearly untrue.

When met in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, on Friday night (6/3), Retno Paradinah as his wife expressed her disappointment with the news. This is because it will disturb the psychological well-being of their four children and family.

"Actually, I'm upset. This news is everywhere, not just on one (social media) account that reported the death sentence. I'm quite upset, especially since it affects our family, they are clearly sad," said Retno Paradinah.

1. Will Take Strict Action

Therefore, Zul Zivilia's lawyer, Laode Umar Bonte, will take strict action against accounts spreading fake news. Without hesitation, they will bring this issue to the legal realm.

"There is no such decision waiting for a death sentence. (The decision) was 18 years and has been served. So it's just made up, that's why I feel that there should be an effort from the police because this is related to the ITE Law," said Laode.

2. Waiting for Good Intentions

Laode Umar also gave a 3x24 hour deadline for accounts spreading fake news to apologize to Zul Zivilia's family. If not, he will report those accounts under the ITE Law.

"I think if the hoax spreaders do not apologize or delete, of course we will take legal action, honestly it is disturbing," he said.

"We will certainly report those who spread the issue without apologizing and deleting, we will take legal action. We will give a 3x24 hour deadline, if not we will report them," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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