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Police Reveal Reason Andrie Bayuajie Used Psychotropic Drugs

Police Reveal Reason Andrie Bayuajie Used Psychotropic Drugs Andrie Bayuajie arrested by police (credit: - Andrie Bayuaji, who is the guitarist of the band Kahitna, was arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit on June 2, 2022, for drug abuse involving valdimex diazepam psychotropic drugs.

According to the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Kombes Pol Endra Zulpan, Andrie has revealed the reason for using a psychotropic drug called valdimex diazepam.

"The reason is to rest or facilitate sleep after being active as a musician," said Zulpan in a press conference at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday (3/6).

1. Consumption Since 2017

Andrie admitted to investigators that he had been using valdimex diazepam since 2017 until 2018. However, at that time, he still used a prescription from a doctor.

Unfortunately, from 2020 to 2022, Andrie consumed the drug without a doctor's prescription, which he bought online.

"The evidence in this case that was seized was 45 valdimex diazepam psychotropic drugs of class IV. The suspect admitted to using valdimex diazepam from 2020 to 2022, 12 times in line with the results we obtained through the suspect's online purchases," said Zulpan.

2. Starting from Community Information

The arrest, said Zulpan, started from community information. Police were informed that there was a musician who consumed psychotropic drugs.

"Next, the team conducted an investigation/control delivery led by the operational unit 2 and from the results of the investigation, the arrest of a man with the initials AB als A in Cilandak Heights Boarding House, 2nd Floor, Room 208, JI Cilandak, South Jakarta," said Zulpan.

3. Secured with Evidence

Andrie was arrested in his boarding house while resting at 12:30 PM. From there, the police successfully secured the evidence.

"45 (forty-five) VALDIMEX DIAZEPAM pills (Psychotropic drugs of category IV)," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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