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Musician AB from Famous Band Arrested by Police in Connection to Drug Case

Musician AB from Famous Band Arrested by Police in Connection to Drug Case police line illustration © - Musician AB was arrested by the Narcotics Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police. AB was arrested in connection to a suspected drug abuse case. The West Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Pasma Royce, confirmed that they have arrested a musician.

"AB (48) is a musician who is a member of the band group in question, and was arrested in connection to a drug abuse case," said Kombes Pol Pasma Royce on Thursday (2/6/2022).



1. Arrested for Drug Abuse

Meanwhile, the Head of the Narcotics Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Akbp Akmal, explained that AB was arrested in the Cilandak area on Thursday (2/6/2022).

"AB (48) was arrested in the South Jakarta area of Cilandak. We arrested him in connection to drug abuse," said Akmal.



2. Police Still Investigating the Case

However, they cannot provide detailed information about the case yet. According to Akmal, they are still investigating the case.

"We are still investigating, please give us some time and we will provide more information soon," said Akmal.



3. Famous Band Personnel

On another occasion, Head of Public Relations Division of the Metro Jaya Regional Police, Kombes Endra Zulpan, said that AB is a musician from a famous band group.

"True, a personnel from a famous male band group. (It will be) released at 11 o'clock," Zulpan concluded.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger