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Seven Months Pregnant, Ria Ricis Attends the Launch of 'Terhukum Rindu' Song by Putra Siregar Accompanied by Her Husband

Seven Months Pregnant, Ria Ricis Attends the Launch of 'Terhukum Rindu' Song by Putra Siregar Accompanied by Her Husband Ria Ricis launch of Terhukum Rindu song © Herdianto - Terhukum Rindu is a song that was created from a letter intended by Putra Siregar for his wife, Septia Yetri Opani. The letter was written by Putra when he was behind bars due to allegations of assault and battery some time ago.

Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan, not only involved in the process of making the music video for the song. They also didn't want to miss the launch of the music video.


1. Touching

When met after the event, at Epicentrum Kuningan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (1/6) night, Ria Ricis admitted to being teary-eyed while watching the full music video of the song Terhukum Rindu. She expressed that through this music video, she represents all the support for Putra Siregar who is now separated from his family.

"While we were watching, I couldn't stop tearing up to hold back my tears, smiling, and even crying. Out there, there are many who support papi (Putra) for the best papi," said Ria Ricis.


2. Salute to Putra Siregar's Wife

In addition, Ria Ricis salutes the patience of Putra Siregar's wife, Septi Yetri Opani. Despite being women, Ria Ricis admitted that she would not be able to handle it if the same thing happened to her.

"This is about a father, a head of household who suddenly has to be isolated for a while, has to endure longing. When I watched it, I couldn't imagine if I were Kak Septi, not as strong as Kak Septi, I wouldn't be able to endure it," said Ricis.


3. Learn from It

In the same occasion, Teuku Ryan said that learning from what Putra Siregar experienced became another reason for him to love his wife even more.

"It's like a guide to always love, mashaallah," concluded Teuku Ryan.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger

Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger

Musician and singer Andika Mahesa, former vocalist of Kangen Band, is grateful to be trusted to sing a song inspired by a letter sent by Putra Siregar to his wife. Read the complete information below.

Andika Mahesa Admits that the Process of Working on the Song 'Terhukum Rindu' was Quite Heavy for Him Because His Face had to be Changed to Resemble a Tiger