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Admit His Age Is No Longer Young, Here's Wika Salim's Answer When Asked When She Will Get Married

Admit His Age Is No Longer Young, Here's Wika Salim's Answer When Asked When She Will Get Married Wika Salim (credit: - Wika Salim admits that she feels that she is no longer young. This year, Wika Salim is turning 32 years old.

Considering this, Wika does not deny that she really wants to get married. However, she says that she does not have a specific target for when she will walk down the aisle.

"InshaAllah, because I'm already old, 30 years old, even 32. Now, I want to take it easy but there is still a target," said Wika Salim when met in the SCBD area, Central Jakarta, not long ago.

1. Hinting at Getting Married Soon?

When asked further, Wika seems to hint that she will soon get married. However, she is reluctant to disclose when the plan will be implemented.

"I will inform you later, for now, it's still our secret, if it's revealed, it's no longer a secret. Just pray," she said.

2. Family's Approval Granted

In addition, Wika Salim also said that her family has given the green light for her relationship with her lover. But still, whatever plans for the future must be discussed together.

"As for the family, as for the parents, it's certain that if it's serious, then what else. But even if there are still things to consider, it must be together and both sides must be sure," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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