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Break up with Rizky DA, Lesti: I Want to Be a Good Child Who is Devoted to Parents

Break up with Rizky DA, Lesti: I Want to Be a Good Child Who is Devoted to Parents Lesti and Rizky DA have broken up © Santoso - The love story of Lesti and Rizky DA has come to an end. Responding to the end of the relationship that has been built with Rizky for almost five years, Lesti admits that there are many lessons to be learned from the failure.

"Many, so many, a lot, just be grateful. Everyone has problems, has a past, let it be a lesson, let it be a wisdom," said Lesti when met after the LIDA 2020 finale, in Jakarta, on Monday night (10/2).

1. Want to be a Filial Child

One of the lessons she learned is to improve her relationship with both of her parents. Lesti admits that she wants to be a more filial child.

"Humans are not perfect, they make mistakes, they have faults, so I just want to be a better child, be filial to my parents, focus," she said.

2. Looking for a Replacement?

Lesti once said that she wanted to get married young with Rizky. Now, her relationship with Rizky has ended. So, does Lesti want to quickly find a replacement for Rizky and get married?

"I'll just go with the flow if I'm given a close match, alhamdulillah, if not, it's okay, I'm grateful for now, I want to focus on myself, improve myself," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Portrait of El Rumi and Marsha Aruan's Intimacy that Remains on Instagram, Now Rumored to Have Broken Up After 5 Years of Dating

Portrait of El Rumi and Marsha Aruan's Intimacy that Remains on Instagram, Now Rumored to Have Broken Up After 5 Years of Dating

Marsha Aruan and El Rumi are rumored to have broken up. Many are disappointed that this couple broke up in the middle of the road after 5 years of dating. Rumors are spreading and both of them are still not willing to speak up.

Portrait of El Rumi and Marsha Aruan's Intimacy that Remains on Instagram, Now Rumored to Have Broken Up After 5 Years of Dating