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Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

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Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

Written by: Maurent Lavena Stephanie

Lady Rara has been known since she became the runner-up of Liga Dangdut Indonesia (LIDA) 2018. The woman, who is also often called Rara LIDA, is not only skilled in her field, which is a dangdut singer. But more than that, there are many things she can do. Here are the portraits of Lady Rara who is an all-rounder in various things, making netizens wonder what this woman born in 2001 cannot do.


As a dangdut singer, Rara LIDA certainly has extraordinary vocal abilities. As time goes by, she becomes more famous and sings from one stage to another.


In addition to singing, Lady Rara also needs to have dancing and dancing skills to support her performance. Surely this dangdut singer from LIDA is able to dance well. 

Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

However, it turns out that she is not only able to dance modern, but this woman from Prabumulih is also able to dance traditional dances. She looks very beautiful in traditional attire. 

Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

A snapshot of Rara LIDA cooking together with Ria Ricis for one of the YouTuber's content. Lady Rara is not only skilled in building her career, but she can also cook. Truly a complete package, isn't she?

Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

Another thing that Rara can do is shooting and riding a horse. She looks serious in pursuing the activities she carries out.


In addition to being skilled in singing and dancing, Lady Rara is also talented in playing music, making her performance even more perfect. This 22-year-old woman is skilled in playing the guitar.

Complete Package, 9 Portraits of Lady Rara Dancing and Shooting - All-Rounder

As a public figure, Tiyara Ramadhani, the real name of Lady Rara, also has abilities in photography and acting. It's no wonder that every role Rara plays and every photoshoot she does always produces great results.


Lady Rara is one of the singers who is part of DANGDUT KPOP 29THER. In this program, Rara collaborates with Hyuk VIXX. To be able to collaborate with a Kpop star, it certainly requires extraordinary abilities. From adaptability, singing, dancing, communication, to language skills.


In addition to praising Lady Rara and Hyuk's appearance, netizens even asked about what Rara couldn't do. "Try answering, Ra, what can't you do?" wrote a netizen.