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More Festive, Erie Suzan to Rita Sugiarto Trusted for the Dangdut Song Creation Competition (LCLD) VI

More Festive, Erie Suzan to Rita Sugiarto Trusted for the Dangdut Song Creation Competition (LCLD) VI Erie Suzan © - The Dangdut Song Creation Competition (LCLD) VI has now entered a new phase. After the participant registration closed on February 20, 2025, the competition committee is preparing for the judging phase, which is scheduled to start in early March 2025.

According to Ridho Rhoma, the Executive Chairman, the judging process will be conducted simultaneously. More than 20 judges, consisting of senior dangdut singers, religious figures, cultural figures, songwriters, and media representatives, will evaluate all participant songs based on four categories.

“Judges will work according to the competition rules. During the judging period, judges will be quarantined,” said Ridho (26/2).

1. New Breakthrough

Several dangdut artists and figures who will be judges include Mansyur S, Rita Sugiarto, Cici Faramida, Iyeth Bustami, Erie Suzan, Caca Handika, and Dadang S.

In addition to singers and dangdut music arrangers, the committee also involves Fachrie Ali, a social and cultural observer. The involvement of judges from outside the dangdut music world is a new breakthrough in the implementation of LCLD.

Ridho also explained that the judging of LCLD consists of two stages. The first stage, which will begin in early March, is the preliminary round, where all judges will select the best songs according to their respective categories.

2. Involve National Figures

In the second stage, the judges will reassess the selected songs more rigorously. At this stage, the committee will also involve Rhoma Irama and several national figures.

“We are grateful for the extraordinary enthusiasm of participants in this LCLD. Likewise, the willingness and involvement of the judges,” said Waskito, Secretary General of PAMDI.

The announcement of the winners from all categories is planned to be broadcast on national television in May 2025.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Flood Greetings, 8 Portraits of Owan DA Release Debut Work 'Heal the Wounds' - Handsome as a Model in the Official Video

Flood Greetings, 8 Portraits of Owan DA Release Debut Work 'Heal the Wounds' - Handsome as a Model in the Official Video

Owan DA is the champion of the talent search event Dangdut Academy season 6. As the winner of D'Academy 6, Owan has released various songs starting from now. Recently, this man from Boalemo released his debut work titled 'Heal the Wounds'.

Flood Greetings, 8 Portraits of Owan DA Release Debut Work 'Heal the Wounds' - Handsome as a Model in the Official Video