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Nadya Mustika and Her Child Are Not in Rizki DA's Lebaran Photo, Netizens: It's Unbelievable that His Child and Wife Were Not Invited!

Nadya Mustika and Her Child Are Not in Rizki DA's Lebaran Photo, Netizens: It's Unbelievable that His Child and Wife Were Not Invited! Rizki DA (Credit: - Lebaran moment is the most suitable moment to gather with family. Especially after a month of fasting, that victory day is certainly full of happiness. The same goes for dangdut singer Rizki DA.

Yes, the Idul Fitri holiday which falls on Thursday (13/5) was spent by Rizki with his family. This was known from his Instagram post on the same day.

1. Give Greetings

Rizki and his family are seen gathering and wearing matching white and green clothes. Meanwhile, almost all the female family members wear yellow hijabs. The combination is so harmonious. Rizki also wishes his followers a happy Idul Fitri.

"Assalamualaikum. Happy Idul Fitri, 1 Syawal 1442 H. Taqobbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum Taqobbal Yaa Karim Barakallahu Fiikum. Minal aidzin walfaidzin, please forgive me physically and spiritually. RizkiRidho & Family," he wrote.

2. Nadya and Her Child are Absent

In the photo, Nadya Mustika and her son are not visible. This has made netizens wonder. Many netizens expressed their frustration towards Rizki DA. According to them, Rizki is heartless for not inviting his child and wife to the family event.

Previously, Nadya caught public attention through her recent post. In her Instagram story, she mentioned about leaving everything behind.

3. Is Nadya Leaving?

"I have tried my best to give my all, to be patient as much as I can. Thinking positively about everything actually makes me restless," wrote the woman who is also a midwife.

"If this is the result of what I have fought for all this time, then I will leave everything behind because I know that everything has its time," Nadya concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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