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Rizki & Ridho Respond to Netizens' Criticism Regarding TikTok Dance at the Gym

Rizki & Ridho Respond to Netizens' Criticism Regarding TikTok Dance at the Gym - The dangdut singers and twin brothers Rizki DA and Ridho DA have become the talk of netizens on social media. They were in the spotlight because they shared a TikTok dance video recorded at the gym. Due to the video, many netizens attacked the singers who graduated from D'Academy Indosiar.

It turns out that Rizki and Ridho's dance video was made just for fun. Furthermore, the video was made at their own gym.

"Well, we were just having fun at the gym. Because it's our gym, our own place, our own house, and the song is our own. So we can do whatever we want," said Ridho when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (13/9/2023).


1. Just Find an Excuse

If there are netizens who comment that they don't want to go to the gym because it's just dancing, Ridho said that it's just an excuse for those who are lazy to go to the gym.

"So if they're afraid that the gym is just all about dancing, it depends on those who don't want to go to the gym actually," he said.

"They're looking for excuses and reasons not to go to the gym, they just want to lay down. If according to us, the most important thing is ourselves. If they admit it like that, just let them," he added.


2. Routine Gym Since Eight Years Ago

Both Rizki and Ridho are not newbies in regularly going to the gym. They have been doing this sport for eight years.

"Alhamdulillah, now the enthusiasm has re-emerged. Actually, we've been going to the gym for seven to eight years ago. It was on and off for a year, but now Alhamdulillah we're starting to play again," he said.

"We also support it with milk, we have to maintain that. We have to be disciplined in training, resting, and eating patterns. We really want it now," he concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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