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Zaskia Gotik Posts a Photo of Familiarity with In-laws: Alhamdulillah, I Have Them

Zaskia Gotik Posts a Photo of Familiarity with In-laws: Alhamdulillah, I Have Them Zaskia Gotik (credit: Santoso) - Since a few days ago, Zaskia Gotik decided to return to her husband's hometown in Balikpapan. During her stay there, Zaskia received a warm welcome from Sirajuddin Mahmud's extended family.

Many are curious about Neng Gotik's activities while returning home, especially her interaction with Sirajuddin's parents.

After previously sharing a moment when she was picked up by her mother-in-law at the airport upon her arrival, Zaskia Gotik now shares a moment of closeness with her husband's parents.




1. Close to Mother-in-law

Quoted from Zaskia's Instagram post on Saturday (20/6), the beautiful dangdut singer appeared in a photo with her mother-in-law. Sitting in the middle of Sirajuddin's parents, Neng Gotik looked very close to her mother-in-law.

She looked relaxed, resting her head on her mother-in-law's shoulder. In the second slide, Zaskia leaned on her father-in-law's shoulder.

2. Zaskia Gotik's Gratitude

In her post, Zaskia Gotik also expressed her gratitude for having in-laws like Sirajuddin Mahmud's parents. The singer of Bang Jono admitted that she already loves and cares for them as if they were her own parents.

"Alhamdulilah I have them. In-laws whom I love and respect like my own parents," she wrote.

3. Warm Welcome from the Extended Family

In addition to meeting Sirajuddin's parents, Zaskia Gotik also took the time to visit other extended family members. She was even invited to visit her sister-in-law's house.

Zaskia received a warm welcome upon arrival. Various foods were prepared to welcome the couple who are expecting their child. A cake with a welcome message was specially made for Zaskia and Sirajuddin.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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