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7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'


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7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

Justin Bieber caused a huge controversy when he appeared wearing a hijab during his recent concert in Utah, United States. The hijab was paired with white pants and a loose T-shirt, an inappropriate combination.

What does he look like wearing the hijab? Find out more here.

7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

This is a photo of Justin wearing a hijab during his recent concert in Utah, United States. This photo has sparked heated discussions among netizens.


At that time he was singing the single 'Where Are You Now', but his bizarre appearance certainly made many people wonder.


According to Middle East, many netizens asked why Justin wore a hijab like that.


Many people asked if Justin was mocking Islam and Muslim women. Of course, waves of criticism also emerged after the photo circulated.

7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

Netizens mocked Justin because he 'did not cover his aura properly', while others called him names like "Justinah Biebiriah".

7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

"The gossip is that Justin Bieber is still wearing a hijab until now. Let's support his journey to embrace Islam," mocked the account @savxxxpsi.


This photo has caused controversy and there is still no statement from Justin Bieber. What do you think?

7 Appearances of Justin Bieber Wearing a Hijab During a Concert, Netizens Mockingly Commenting on His Spiritual Journey and Giving Him the Name 'Justinah Bieberiah'

KLovers, there is still a lot of interesting information here!

Portrait of Billy Syahputra Letting Go of the Departure of the Late Vanessa Angel, Participating in Carrying the Coffin - Faithful Friends Pray for a Friend at a Religious Gathering

Portrait of Billy Syahputra Letting Go of the Departure of the Late Vanessa Angel, Participating in Carrying the Coffin - Faithful Friends Pray for a Friend at a Religious Gathering

Always there for a friend, a portrait of Billy Syahputra letting go of the departure of the late Vanessa Angel from the funeral to the religious gathering.

Portrait of Billy Syahputra Letting Go of the Departure of the Late Vanessa Angel, Participating in Carrying the Coffin - Faithful Friends Pray for a Friend at a Religious Gathering