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'PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2' Has Been Planned Since the End of 2019

'PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2' Has Been Planned Since the End of 2019 Credit Image: Mirles Films - Film lovers are currently eagerly awaiting PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2, which is a sequel to the popular film from 2000. The good news is that Sherina and Derby Romero will still be the main cast, namely Sherina and Sadam.

Although the production of PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2 was only announced recently, it turns out that the cast and crew have started developing the story since the end of 2019. Sherina, as the main cast, leaked the latest update from the film directed by Riri Riza.

"Film Petualangan Sherina 2 update! The script for Petualangan Sherina 2 has been in development since before the pandemic, precisely since November 2019. The script development team involved Aunt Mira Lesmana, Uncle Riri Riza, Uncle Jujur Prananto, my sister Virania Munaf, and myself, where we had several meetings at the Miles office to develop the story of this film," Sherina revealed in the caption of her video post.

1. Production Process During the Pandemic

The pandemic attack throughout 2020 has somewhat affected the production process of PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2. Nevertheless, with the help of digital technology, the crew and cast members were still able to exchange ideas virtually.

"During the pandemic, the scenario development and songwriting process continued online. Now, the scenario is complete, and we have had several virtual readings from our respective homes with Derby Romero, who is currently still in Singapore," she continued.

2. Production Enters Final Stage

PETUALANGAN SHERINA 2 is planned to be released in 2021. And currently, the production process is said to have entered the final stage.

"Currently, Petualangan Sherina 2 is in the final casting stage and music arrangement workshop. We are working on everything as best as possible to be enjoyed by Petualangan Sherina fans. Stay tuned for further updates and we will also update the development of Animasi Petualangan Sherina," Sherina concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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