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Raffi Ahmad's Produced Films '4 MANTAN' and 'AJARI AKU ISLAM' Will Exclusively Air on We TV Streaming Service

Raffi Ahmad's Produced Films '4 MANTAN' and 'AJARI AKU ISLAM' Will Exclusively Air on We TV Streaming Service Raffi Ahmad @ RA Pictures - Raffi Ahmad, who serves as the director of the production house RA Pictures, has just signed an agreement with the We TV streaming service. Collaborating with Manoj Punjabi, the CEO and owner of MD Pictures, Raffi is ready to present content to fill the catalog of the China-based platform that is now expanding its presence in Indonesia.

As a first step, Raffi Ahmad will exclusively showcase two films under the RA Pictures banner, namely 4 MANTAN and AJARI AKU ISLAM. Meanwhile, MD Pictures will showcase its film collection such as SUNYI, MAKMUM, and MENDADAK KAYA.

"Today is the signing ceremony between We TV and RA Pictures and MD Pictures. In this collaboration, we will showcase several exclusive titles and library titles. This is just the beginning, there will be many interesting titles that we will create in the future," said Manoj Punjabi in a press conference at the MD Entertainment office in Setiabudi, South Jakarta, on Sunday (22/11).

1. Cinema vs Streaming Services

RA Pictures has produced dozens of films, some of which have performed poorly when released in cinemas. When collaborating with MD Pictures, Manoj Punjabi revealed the fact that not all films that are not popular in cinemas will experience the same if released digitally.

"For example, a film that is not popular in cinemas can sometimes be even bigger in the digital market. I once bought a film that was watched by 25 thousand people. When I released it on OTT, the viewership was even higher. A film that is not popular in the market does not necessarily reflect its performance on OTT. There are contents that are the opposite," said Manoj.

Raffi Ahmad added, "For us, 2020 is a year where we all have to embrace each other, hold hands, and support one another. That's why we believe in partnerships and together achieve success in the future," said the father of one child.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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