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Vino G Bastian Nervous, MUI Appreciates and Urges People to Watch the Film 'HAMKA & SITI RAHAM'

Vino G Bastian Nervous, MUI Appreciates and Urges People to Watch the Film 'HAMKA & SITI RAHAM' Vino G Bastian: Herdianto - Vino G Bastian admitted to being nervous when the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) group watched the film HAMKA & SITI RAHAM (Vol 2). He, who played as Hamka, did not expect MUI to give written appreciation and urge the public to watch the film HAMKA & SITI RAHAM (Vol 2).

"Nervous. I didn't expect it and Alhamdulillah, we received support from MUI. This is an honor for us," said Vino Bastian at XXI Epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta, on Tuesday (19/12/2023).

The same thing was also expressed by Anjasmara, who played as President Soekarno in the film.

"Thank you to MUI for the support, not many films tell stories about love in Indonesia, and the film Buya Hamka delivers many messages of love," said Anjasmara.

1. Appreciation from MUI

The appreciation and advice from MUI were issued on December 17, 2023, signed by the Chairman of MUI Pusat, KH. M. Anwar Iskan and the Secretary General of MUI, H. Amirsyah Tambunan.

In the letter, the Leadership Council of MUI appreciates the film HAMKA & SITI RAHAM (Vol 2) as a good and educational work of art. It contains noble values of Islamic teachings, nationalism, and the greatness of Indonesian culture, thus it needs to be supported by MUI at all regional and local levels, as well as by community figures, scholars, preachers, and leaders of Islamic boarding schools and educational institutions.

"MUI highly appreciates this film Hamka and Siti Raham (Vol 2), because besides being the first chairman of MUI, Buya Hamka is also a multi-dimensional figure, a scholar, a fighter, a cultural figure, and a nationalist. We appreciate it by issuing an official letter from MUI Pusat, an official letter of advice to watch the film Hamka & Siti Raham (Vol 2)," said Erick Yusuf, S. Sy., M.Pd. (Vice Chairman of LSBPI MUI).

2. Give Surprise

Vino G Bastian, further stated that as a biopic film, BUYA HAMKA (vol1) is quite surprising in its achievements.

"For watching a biopic film, it feels heavy to watch. But Alhamdulillah, Buya Hamka's biopic is extraordinary, in the first volume it reached over one million and not many biopic films reach one million," said Vino G Bastian while hoping that the achievement of volume 2 will exceed that of volume 1.

3. Brief Synopsis

The film HAMKA & SITI RAHAM (vol 2) is a sequel to the film BUYA HAMKA. The film, directed by Fajar Bustomi, starring Vino G Bastian and Laudya Cyntia Bella, with a series of top artists from the country as supporting actors, will be simultaneously screened in all cinemas in Indonesia on December 21, 2023.

The film HAMKA & SITI RAHAM (vol 2) tells the story of Siti Raham's struggle to support Buya Hamka in his fight for independence and preaching. Even when Hamka was desperate because he was imprisoned, Siti Raham continued to support him sincerely.

Shortly after the proclamation of Indonesian independence, a second aggression threat from the Allies emerged. Hamka decided to travel around Medan to spread the importance of unity between the community (religious figures) and the TNI, to avoid division.

However, these efforts ended with Hamka being shot. Fortunately, Hamka survived and thanks to his dedication, he moved to Jakarta and established Al-Azhar.

However, Hamka was falsely accused of being involved in a rebellion against Soekarno. He was arrested and tortured to sign a confession letter. Hamka persisted and his experience led him to write the most influential book in Islamic education, namely Tafsir Al Azhar.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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