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New Film 'AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER' is Currently in Development

New Film 'AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER' is Currently in Development Nickelodeon Studio via Imdb - An exciting and surprising news has arrived! Yes, KLovers' favorite cartoon film AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER is officially being developed with a new story. Michale DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko will collaborate again to work on this film. The previous Avatar film was launched in 2005 by Nickelodeon.

The series has run for three seasons and has a special place in the hearts of the audience back then. Previously, AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER was adapted into a live-action but was not very successful in the market. It was then followed by a sequel, THE LEGEND OF KORRA which is the continuation of Avatar Aang and ran for four seasons.

The announcement of the development of this Avatar film still lacks many details about the storyline and the cast. Although the plot details have not been revealed, it will not stop the progress of this film's production.

In addition, the film AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER will begin production later this year. This film comes from Avatar Studios, a division of Nickelodeon designed to create a lot of interesting content. DiMartino and Konietzko are co-chief creative officers who will oversee the development of the animated cartoon film AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER.

The popularity of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER reached its peak in 2020, as Netflix acquired the film for their streaming service. The return of this popularity is because people can revisit the journey of Avatar Aang from the beginning to the end, while also satisfying their longing to see this animated cartoon film.

Of course, the news about the development of the Avatar film has many long-time fans of Avatar waiting to see the continuation of the Avatar's journey. It is still unknown what the new story of this film will be, whether it will continue the journey of Avatar Korra or explore Aang's life or focus on a new Avatar. There are still many possibilities for the story of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER, so let's wait for the latest news about this film. Don't forget to keep up with the latest news on KapanLagi!

Author: Felecia Syadina
Source: ScreenRant




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