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12 Latest Thai Comedy Movie Recommendations in 2022 that Must be Watched, Full of Hilarious Out-of-the-Box Scenes

12 Latest Thai Comedy Movie Recommendations in 2022 that Must be Watched, Full of Hilarious Out-of-the-Box Scenes Thai Comedy Movie Recommendations (credit: - Thai films and dramas are currently one of the most popular forms of entertainment, especially in Indonesia. Not only are the stories unique, but the comedies in each story are always successful in entertaining. Like these Thai comedy movie recommendations.

Yes, for KLovers who love dramas or Thai films, these latest Thai comedy movie recommendations in 2022 can be your choice, KLovers. And it's perfect for your weekend entertainment if you want to laugh.

Let's check out the list of the latest entertaining Thai comedy movies in 2022. Go ahead and take a look, KLovers.

1. OMG!

The first recommendation for the latest Thai comedy film in 2022 is a film titled OMG!. Yes, this film tells the story of a couple who fall in love with each other but always find themselves in the wrong situation and time.

When Guy is single, June is busy dating someone else. When June breaks up with her boyfriend, she ends up having a new boyfriend. They both try to find a way to break free from their respective relationships.

Unfortunately, it seems like their love is not meant to be. There are many funny and hilarious scenes that will make you emotional while watching this film OMG!.


The second recommendation for the latest Thai comedy film in 2022 is a film titled THE CON-HEARTIST. This comedy film is about a criminal with many funny scenes that will tickle your funny bone. Yes, it starts with the unusual introduction between Tower and Ina.

Tower, a skilled con artist, tries to deceive Ina, a former banker. Thanks to Ina's track record as a former banker, she manages to foil Tower's scheme. But who would have thought that from this unusual introduction, Ina ends up asking for Tower's help to prank her ex-boyfriend.


Romantic comedy films in Thailand are unbeatable, KLovers. Full of scenes that can make us laugh out loud. Like BOOKWORM BEAUTY, which is included in the list of the latest Thai comedy films in 2022.

This BOOKWORM BEAUTY film tells the story of An, a nerdy-looking girl with a sharp mind. Despite being smart, she doesn't have many friends at school because of her nerdy appearance. One day, An finds a book titled The Book of Love.

In the book, An doesn't find any writings, but she still buys it. And An tries to solve the code in the book. If the code is successfully deciphered, the book can grant all her wishes.


Still with romantic comedy films, this time there is a film titled JAI FU STORY. In this film, it tells the story of a shopkeeper named Suea, who secretly falls in love with a young nurse named Ja.

Unfortunately, this love story is not easy, because in Ja's environment there are several handsome doctors who make her feel very inferior. This romantic film is full of comedy scenes, so it won't make you bored.


The film MY BOSS IS A SERIAL KILLER is also included in one of the recommendations for the latest Thai comedy films in 2022. For those of you who like office stories, then the film MY BOSS IS A SERIAL KILLER can be your choice.

This film MY BOSS IS A SERIAL KILLER tells the story of the lives of employees in a company that starts to crumble because they know that their boss is a former serial killer. These employees are starting to be filled with fear and don't want to become victims of their boss.

This film MY BOSS IS A SERIAL KILLER will successfully make you laugh out loud, KLovers. Besides presenting quite tense scenes, this film will be filled with funny scenes.


Film FAST AND FEEL LOVE is also a comedy film from Thailand that you shouldn't miss. It tells the story of Kao, a 30-year-old man who holds the world record for the fastest sport stacking, who is being challenged by children from all over to surpass his record.

However, he has just been dumped by his girlfriend. Thanks to this incident, he decides to grow into a more mature person. He is forced to accept his life and be independent in facing various problems. In his struggle to live, there are many things he faces.


And the last recommendation for the latest Thai comedy film in 2022 is a film titled GET RID OF THE EXCESSIVE BOSS. This film tells the story of a young girl who is always enthusiastic about having a great career. She also has a boyfriend who she believes loves her very much.

However, all the beautiful things suddenly have to be taken away from her when she turns 25. This girl has to quit her job that she is very proud of. Not to mention, her trusted boyfriend turns out to be cheating on her. Moreover, she is also diagnosed with lymphoma.

However, the girl must remain cheerful and optimistic. She also meets Winwin, a man who makes her feel lucky. There are many touching and entertaining stories for you to enjoy on the weekend.

Those are some of the latest Thai comedy film recommendations in 2022 that you can watch for entertainment. They have unique and funny stories.


Rating6.2/10 IMDb
Durasi2 hours 46 minutes
PemainBella Ranee Campen, Pope Thanawat Wattanaputi, and Ice Paris Intarakomalyasut

One of the recommended romantic comedy Thai films is LOVE DESTINTY THE MOVIE. This Thai film tells the story of the romance between Phop and Gaysorn. Phop believes that there is a woman destined to be with him who often appears in his dreams. Phop has a handsome and charming face.

While many women are attracted to his charm, Phop is still waiting for the woman who appears in his dreams. And finally, his wait is rewarded after meeting Gaysorn. The woman has a face that resembles the figure in his dreams. From there, Phop wants to win Gaysorn's heart, which he has been waiting for. The film LOVE DESTINTY THE MOVIE also contains a historical genre. Where the two main characters once had a love affair during the Ayutthaya period. And, they meet again during the Rattanokosin era. Will destiny favor them this time?


Rating5.5/10 IMDb
Durasi1 hour 46 minutes
PemainSky Wongravee, Minnie Phatira, Pat Napapa, Jazz Chuanchuen, Somjit Jongjohor

THE LOST LOTTERIES is also among the recommended Thai comedy films that shouldn't be missed. This Thai film contains an exciting mix of crime and comedy genres. The story focuses on the journey of 5 main characters in retrieving lottery tickets from the mafia.

They work together to obtain a bag containing the winning lottery tickets, which are worth millions. Will they succeed in taking the lottery tickets from the mafia? All can be seen by KLovers through the legal streaming channel Netflix.

10. AI LOVE YOU (2022)

Rating4.5/10 IMDb
Durasi1 hour 35 minutes
PemainMario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok

The next recommended Thai comedy film is AI LOVE YOU. Fans of Thai romantic comedy films can be happy because this film reunites two famous stars, Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok. The synopsis of AI LOVE YOU tells the story of an artificial intelligence that has human-like feelings.

Dob is an artificial intelligence. Lana often tells her stories to Dob, including her desire to have an ideal partner and her complicated love story. A miracle happens when Dob develops human-like feelings and his appearance changes to that of a normal man.

11. PEE NAK 3 (2022)

Rating4.9/10 IMDb
Durasi1 hour 51 minutes
PemainPond Khunnapat Pichetworawut, Aim Witthawat Rattanaboonbaramee, James Puwadon Vejvongsa, Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn

Recommendation for a Thai comedy and horror film, you can definitely include PEE NAK 3 in your watchlist. This Thai film tells a horror story about a curse from a past spirit. It all begins when Peace Aod discovers an ancient gold bracelet, which causes Peace Aod to receive a curse that transforms his appearance with scaly skin.

At the same time, the spirit from the past reappears to take back the gold bracelet found by Peace Aod. Together with a group of friends, Peace embarks on a journey to break the curse. Along the way, they are also haunted by the spirit Nak Kam.


Rating4.7/10 IMDb
Duration2 hours 10 minutes
CastJames Teeradon, Nana Sawanya, Music Praewa, Care Panisara Rikulsurakan and others

The next recommended Thai horror comedy film in 2022 is HAUNTED UNIVERSITIES 2ND SEMESTER. This film is set in a campus where several students experience horror terror. They are haunted by ghosts wandering around the campus. The story consists of three parts, namely ghost terror in the UKS, ghost terror in the final semester students, and ghost terror in an old building.

In its story, the film HAUNTED UNIVERSITIES 2ND SEMESTER contains thrilling stories with a touch of entertainment. This film is suitable for horror and comedy genre fans. Interested in watching?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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