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5 Portraits of V BTS Looking Handsome in Unreleased Patterned Shirts

5 Portraits of V BTS Looking Handsome in Unreleased Patterned Shirts Credit via - Who doesn't know V BTS? This K-Pop idol is often talked about for his handsomeness. His latest appearance at Incheon airport, South Korea, when he was about to fly to New York, USA, a while ago, became a hot topic. V BTS looked so charming in a patterned shirt from the luxury brand Louis Vuitton (LV).

Apparently, this shirt is hard to find, not because of limited stock, but because it hasn't been officially released in the market. LV deliberately chose V BTS to showcase their latest collection, in order to attract public attention.

True enough, as a trendsetter, V BTS really succeeded in wearing it, making people interested in buying it too. Here are portraits of his handsomeness!

1. Superstar Charms

First, there is a photo taken by a fan account on Twitter @_nuna_V, capturing a close-up angle from the front. V BTS looks stylish in this luxurious LV shirt. Even though his face is covered with a mask, it doesn't diminish his charm as a superstar.

2. Maximum Handsomeness

Still from the same angle, but zoomed out, revealing V BTS's maximum handsome face. With a middle-parted hair and charismatic gaze, V BTS maximizes his handsomeness to showcase the luxury of the shirt he is wearing.

3. More Classy Appearance

V BTS is very fond of wearing long-sleeved shirts. He can make every shirt he wears look classy. One way is by leaving the top two buttons of the shirt unbuttoned.

Not only does it show his sexy aura, but this distinctive style of V BTS has become his signature style in dressing.

4. The Right Mix & Match

Meanwhile, from a different angle successfully captured by another V BTS fansite, specifically the Twitter account @RULER_V. From this photo, V BTS is seen successfully doing a blue-colored shirt and black pattern mix & match with long brown pintuck pants. This appearance gives a retro impression, which is also highly favored by V BTS.

5. Becoming a Trendsetter

LV also seems to have successfully appointed V BTS as the right figure to wear their latest collection that has not been released in the market. Because, so far the response has been so high, sparking the interest of many people to buy the shirt.

If you are interested in buying it too, be patient until this luxurious shirt is officially released in the LV catalog. One thing for sure, it's not cheap. However, for the sake of matching with an idol like V BTS, the price doesn't matter, because no matter how much money there is, it can still be sought.

Isn't that right, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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