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Being the First Sub-Unit of Red Velvet, Irene & Seulgi Will Release Mini Album 'Monster' on July 6

Being the First Sub-Unit of Red Velvet, Irene & Seulgi Will Release Mini Album 'Monster' on July 6 Irene - Seulgi (credit: HIGH CUT) - The first sub-unit of Red Velvet, Irene and Seulgi, are preparing for their debut. A mini album titled Monster will be released on July 6, 2020.

Monster consists of a total of 6 songs with various musical styles, including the title track Monster. A teaser video has already been released through Irene & Seulgi's official website and social media on June 21.


1. Give a Different Appearance

So far, Irene and Seulgi have gained extraordinary popularity. Not only in South Korea, their loyal fans are also spread all over the world.

The Irene and Seulgi sub-unit is expected to bring different music and performances with the perfect combination of vocals, performances, and visuals of the two Red Velvet members.

Meanwhile, Irene & Seulgi's first mini-album, Monster, can now be pre-ordered starting today, June 22, 2020, through music stores in South Korea.


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