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BTS Finally Reveals Why They Released 'Butter' in English Like 'Dynamite', Turns Out Because of These 5 Reasons!

BTS Finally Reveals Why They Released 'Butter' in English Like 'Dynamite', Turns Out Because of These 5 Reasons! credit via Big Hit Music - It is not usual for BTS to release a single or song in English. If they do, it is usually a remix version or a collaboration with other artists. However, for the first time in 2020, BTS released Dynamite, a single with lyrics entirely in English.

Through Dynamite, BTS achieved various impressive accomplishments. This includes topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart, which is very difficult for non-American singers or songs with non-English lyrics.

Continuing the success of Dynamite, BTS is preparing to release their latest English single Butter on May 21, 2021. However, when asked by Rolling Stone in a recent interview, BTS and Bang Si Hyuk revealed that the reason behind this decision is not just to become popular, but because of the following 5 points.

1. Old Plan HYBE

Before Dynamite was officially released, HYBE (formerly Big Hit Entertainment) apparently had a long-standing plan to create an English song for BTS.

However, the plan was not immediately realized as they had not yet found the right moment. Moreover, BTS had never released a single in English before, so they needed to refine the concept as they lacked experience.

2. Meeting the Right Songwriters

Eventually, HYBE managed to find the right songwriters. They are two English songwriters, David Stewart and Jessica Agombar, who were the masterminds behind the explosive success of the single Dynamite in various countries, making it a viral mega hit in 2020.

3. Blessing of the Pandemic

Meanwhile, Bang Si Hyuk alias Bang PD, the main producer of BTS and CEO of HYBE Labels, revealed that this plan can be considered a blessing from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

"Dynamite may never have been released if it weren't for the pandemic. Because, according to the schedule, BTS should have been on a world tour. However, this project was finally realized to uplift the spirits of many people due to the prolonged pandemic," said Bang PD.

Both Bang PD and BTS hope that Dynamite can truly bring back the smiles of many people, so that everyone can regain their enthusiasm. This has proven to be effective.

4. Spreading Spirit Worldwide

So, why were the lyrics chosen to be entirely in English? Bang PD explained that Dynamite is full of positive messages, and it would be better to convey them in English to make it easier for many people, including fans from all over the world, to understand its meaning.

"I initially thought the song was very suitable for BTS. Dynamite has a fun and uplifting vibe when listened to, so it would be perfect if the message in each lyric is also conveyed in English," added Bang PD.

5. Latest BTS Song Leak 'Butter'

Apparently, points 1-4 also serve as leaks for the latest BTS song 'Butter.' Besides being released in English, it turns out that the song can also uplift spirits when listened to, as well as being full of positive meaning, just like 'Dynamite.'

"Just like 'Dynamite', 'Butter' doesn't have heavy or thought-provoking lyrics, but it is simple and full of positive meaning. This song is truly pure dance-pop with a retro vibe ala Bruno Mars, and a touch of melody ala Jam and Lewis, making it truly smooth like butter and has a star aura from its singers," wrote Rolling Stone in describing the leak of 'Butter.'

Interestingly, the music analysis from Rolling Stone is confirmed by RM of BTS. "This song is full of energy and perfect for listening in the summer. It's definitely a song that can make anyone dance," said RM.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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