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For Global Activities, Super Junior Signs Contract with Prestigious Agency in America!

For Global Activities, Super Junior Signs Contract with Prestigious Agency in America! Super Junior. Credit: SM Entertainment - A proud news came from the legendary K-Pop group Super Junior. To expand their wings, they collaborated with prestigious agencies in America.

'Variety', a famous magazine in the United States with a history of over 100 years, managed to attract attention by reporting 'ICM Partners Has Signed a Contract to Support All Global Activities, Except Asian Activities SUPER JUNIOR'.

ICM Partners, based in Los Angeles, with offices in New York, Washington D.C., and London, is a US agency responsible for business in various media fields, ranging from music, TV, film, publishing, live performance, and branded entertainment. ICM Partners works with international stars such as Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Khalid, Samuel Jackson, Orlando Bloom, Uma Thurman, Megan Fox, and John Cena.


1. Honour

In line with that, ICM Partners Vice President John Flitter said, "It is an honor to represent 'King of Korean Wave' Super Junior. We look forward to the growth of Super Junior through various media fields such as global tours, marketing, business development, and strategic partnerships with our partner, LabelSJ."

'Variety' also discusses Super Junior's awards and latest album, stating, "Super Junior released their debut album in 2005 and entered the global market in 2009 with the song 'SORRY, SORRY'. They have won 13 awards from 'MNET Music Awards', 19 awards from 'Golden Disk Awards', 'Best Foreign Artist' and 'Best Fandom Awards' from 'Teen Choice Awards' United States. In November 2020, Super Junior released the song 'The Melody' and will release their 10th album, 'The Renaissance'."


2. Will Perform Worldwide

Regarding the Super Junior 'SUPER SHOW' performance brand, 'Variety' wrote, "Super Junior has performed for more than 2.2 million fans in Asia and Europe. In addition, over 123,000 fans from around the world gathered to watch Super Junior's online concert."

Meanwhile, Super Junior is active in various fields, including group, unit, and solo album releases; various entertainment programs, radio, and musicals.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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