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Goals Banget! These Korean Celebrity Couples Have Lasted More Than 5 Years

Goals Banget! These Korean Celebrity Couples Have Lasted More Than 5 Years Jung Kyung Ho and Sooyoung credit: - Written by Mutiara Riezky Maharani

Amidst the onslaught of news of Korean celebrity breakups, there are several couples who radiate lasting aura and become goals for many people. One example is a famous actor and actress couple who have been in love for more than 5 years.

Their love journey began with a love story on the set of a drama. Since then, they have been together and supported each other through thick and thin. Despite being hit with various rumors and speculations, they remain steadfast in their commitment and prove that true love does exist.

The secret behind their harmony is open communication and understanding. They always make time for each other, even when they are busy with work. In addition, they also share the same hobbies and interests, so there is always something to talk about and do together. Who are these Korean celebrities?

1. Oh Nara and Kim Do Hoon

Oh Nara and Kim Do Hoon have been in a romantic relationship for over 23 years, starting from when they first met in 2000. Their relationship is considered long-lasting and enduring in the South Korean entertainment industry, which is known for short-lived romances. They are rarely involved in scandalous rumors and are known as a couple who support each other in their careers and personal lives.

2. Jung Kyung Ho and Sooyoung

It is reported that they first met at an event in 2012, but there is no exact information about the details of their meeting. It was not until 2014 that their agencies officially confirmed their relationship.

During that period, this couple was known as one of the most enduring celebrity couples in South Korea and rarely involved in scandalous rumors. They are often seen together in public and support each other in their respective careers.

3. Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah

Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah have been in a romantic relationship for 9 years. They were rumored to be in a location romance when they starred in the same advertisement for Giordano. Despite the 5-year age gap, their relationship remains strong and free from scandalous rumors. In fact, Kim Woo Bin showed his support by attending Shin Min Ah's latest film premiere, "Our Season", on November 27, 2023.

4. Lee Dong Hwi and Jung Ho Yeon

Lee Dong Hwi and Jung Ho Yeon are known to have a long-lasting romantic relationship. Although Dispatch only revealed their relationship in 2016, they have been dating since 2015. This means that, counting up to the present, the couple has been together for 9 years.

5. Lee Kwang Soo and Lee Sun Bin

Lee Kwang Soo and Lee Sun Bin have been in a long-lasting romantic relationship. They officially announced to the public that they are dating in 2018. Interestingly, Lee Sun Bin once revealed that Lee Kwang Soo is her ideal type. Based on the latest news in December 2023, their relationship has been going on for four years. In the interview, Lee Sun Bin also stated that there have been no changes in their relationship status, and if there is any happy news about their marriage, it will be announced.


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