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Haters Lisa BLACKPINK Give Death Threats, YG Entertainment Takes Firm Action

Haters Lisa BLACKPINK Give Death Threats, YG Entertainment Takes Firm Action Lisa BLACKPINK © Instagram/lalalalisa_m - YG Entertainment and the Thai Embassy in Korea have released an official statement following Lisa BLACKPINK receiving death threats from haters. The Thai Embassy was the first to state that they had received many messages regarding the threats.

These threats were initially known when one of the haters posted it on the internet. BLINK, BLACKPINK fans who were aware of it, immediately reported it to the agency and the Thai Embassy in Korea.

"We have received many emails and Twitter messages on May 2-6 regarding the threats against Lisa. We have informed her agency, YG Entertainment, about this issue," said one representative from the Royal Thai Embassy.


1. Statement from YG Entertainment

Seeing this, YG Entertainment did not stay silent and took decisive action. According to Koreaboo, they have released a statement regarding the threats.

"We are doing our best to ensure the safety of our artists and fans. We are aware of this issue. We will gather and review evidence through monitoring and information from fans. We will also take strict legal action without leniency," wrote YG Entertainment.

2. Threats of Haters' Murder

Previously, it was known that a hater posted a threat against Lisa on the internet. He threatened to shoot Lisa during her comeback. However, the post was immediately deleted after being reported by BLINK.

But this threat became even more terrifying because the hater created another account. He threatened again by posting a picture of a tombstone and saying that they already have a gun to kill Lisa.

As known, BLACKPINK is preparing for a comeback in June. Hopefully, with actions taken by YG Entertainment and the Thai Embassy, this issue can be thoroughly investigated.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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