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Collaboration with BLACKPINK, Lady Gaga Confirms Release Date for 'Sour Candy' Song!

Collaboration with BLACKPINK, Lady Gaga Confirms Release Date for 'Sour Candy' Song! BLACKPINK - Lady Gaga. Credit: YG Entertainment - Digital Spy - Popular K-Pop group BLACKPINK is becoming more and more global by the day. Especially with the news of their upcoming comeback, which makes fans even more excited.

On the other hand, fans are also excited about the collaboration between BLACKPINK and Lady Gaga. As known, the group under YG Entertainment will contribute their voices to Lady Gaga's latest song.

1. Sour Candy

As previously reported, BLACKPINK will be involved in the song Sour Candy in Lady Gaga's latest album titled Chromatica.

However, unfortunately, the release was delayed due to the corona pandemic. "Although I believe art is one of the things that can help us in situations like this and give us happiness and strength, it doesn't feel right to release a new song when the world is fighting against the pandemic," said Lady Gaga.

2. Release Date

Now Lady Gaga herself has given an official release date for her new album, which includes a collaboration with BLACKPINK.

Previously chosen for April 10, 2020, the album will now be released on May 29, 2020! This certainly makes fans even more excited. Are you too, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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