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Parallel Two Worlds, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Reveal the Differences of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH with Their Previous Dramas

Parallel Two Worlds, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun Reveal the Differences of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH with Their Previous Dramas Lee Min Ho - Kim Go Eun. Credit: SBS - Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun are paired in a drama that has been highly anticipated, THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH.

In a press conference, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun revealed the differences of this latest drama with the series they have starred in before such as LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA or GOBLIN.

1. Lee Min Ho

Answering the question, Lee Min Ho gave a little hint about the core story of THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH which takes the theme of parallel worlds.

"I think KING is interesting because it tells about parallel worlds where there will be a world that shows a different version of the character I'm playing. That's what makes this drama different from my previous dramas. That's what makes this drama look new," he said.

"Then the fact that two different events happen simultaneously in this world is also interesting. How the characters in it create a sense in different worlds. That is the prominent difference of this drama compared to others," continued Lee Min Ho.

2. Kim Go Eun

Furthermore, Kim Go Eun added about the differences from other dramas. She briefly discussed the cast involved in the series.

"I think Lee Min Ho has explained everything hahaha. As for me, what sets it apart is definitely the cast. They are great actors and will look cool when acting together on screen," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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