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So Funny, BTS Members' BT21 Characters Become Jewelry

So Funny, BTS Members' BT21 Characters Become Jewelry BTS © TPG Images - Bangtan Boys or commonly known as BTS is undoubtedly popular. Not only in Asia, this boy band has gained attention from the world. Their fans all over the world are very loyal to them.

No wonder many merchandise related to BTS are released. One of them is a collection just released by UBS Gold. Collaborating with Line Project, they released jewelry in the form of BT21 animated characters

"We at UBS Gold always innovate and strive to reach various communities, especially the existing K-popers," said Ivan, UBS Gold's Project Campaign Manager in a written statement.

1. Designed by BTS Personnel

Investigating, BT21 characters themselves are specially designed by 7 BTS personnel. They produce adorable characters Koya, RJ, Shooky, Mang, Chimmy, Tata, and Cooky.

"For now, BT21 has become a global community icon that has a positive influence on many people. With the collaboration between UBS Gold and Line Friends through BT21 Hole in One, it is expected to have a significant impact, especially for fans of BT21 characters in Indonesia," he continued.

2. Various Collections

The gold jewelry from this collection comes in various forms. From flexible chain bracelets, synthetic cord bracelets, necklaces, to earrings. So there are more jewelry options for BTS Army fans.

The collection itself can be obtained from February 22-28. Orders can be made through the pre-order system on the official website or the official USB Gold on e-commerce platforms.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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