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Collaborating with Yai Item, Soloist from Kediri Manaditara Releases Debut Single Titled 'Farewell'

Collaborating with Yai Item, Soloist from Kediri Manaditara Releases Debut Single Titled 'Farewell' (c) manaditara - Long time no hear, the city of Kediri suddenly produced a new talent named Manaditara who has just released his debut single titled Farewell. Not half-hearted, he collaborated with Yai Item as the producer in his first work. Their collaboration is unique considering that Manaditara and Yai Item are separated by distance between Kediri and Bekasi.

“Well, I remember Adit (Manaditara's nickname) sent me this song demo, if I'm not mistaken it was in April 2020. The first time I heard it, the melody was catchy and the lyrics could make people 'immerse' if they can relate to this song, it's really good! Finally, I agreed to produce him,” said Yai, who also mentioned that the Bekasi-Kediri distance and the current pandemic situation are also a challenge for both of them.

Yai worked on Farewell in Bekasi and the contact between Yai and Manaditara was done via chat and phone. This virtual production process is also a new experience for the siblings Stevie Item and Audy Item.

As the title suggests, Farewell is an expression of Manaditara's farewell. The scenario of being trapped in the past, letting go, and trying to be fine is well-expressed in the lyrics and notation composed by Manaditara.

“This song is very personal." You might be experiencing it too. Feeling disappointed being left by important people in your life. Whether it's family, partner, friends, or colleagues," said the 22-year-old soloist.

(c) manaditara

This melancholic song is released with a Music Video (MV) directed by Luapotalapo & Memorizm. Taken at several points in Kediri city, this MV is directed by Hammamnash, Rinaldo Azhar, Naufal, & Manaditara himself.

"The concept is our interpretation of this song (Farewell), the main thing is, we want to highlight the process of the protagonist's loss and what happens in his inner self through storytelling & camera angles," said Rinaldo (co-director).

Manaditara, whose real name is Aditya Pramana Putra, is relatively new in his solo career. He is more engaged in the behind-the-scenes world as a content creator, strategist, and designer for several music projects. He is a member and co-founder of Halona Records (Jakarta) and Soundjana Creative (Kediri).

Curious about the song? Let's check it out below, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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