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Elma Dae's Latest Work Displayed on Surabaya Billboard

Elma Dae's Latest Work Displayed on Surabaya Billboard Elma Dae (Credit: - Elma Dae released her latest single titled 'Pisah Baik-Baik' recently. She wrote the song herself, making it very special. Additionally, this is her first experience in writing her own song.

As a sincere and great form of support for Elma, her friends also put up billboards in several locations in Surabaya to support Elma who has released her latest song.

"I was definitely surprised, happy, touched, and I want to thank everyone who has supported me, allowing me to release my third single, Pisah Baik-Baik," said Elma.

1. Being a Friend in Any Situation

Elma also hopes that people who listen can recognize Elma's color as a singer and musician.

"With the existence of that billboard, I hope friends are curious," she continued.

She hopes the song 'Pisah Baik-Baik' can accompany friends in any situation. "In times of sadness, happiness, confusion, heartbreak, wherever they are. I hope this song can accompany them always," Elma concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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