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Ivan Gojaya, Young Engineer Behind the Second Chance NOAH Project

Ivan Gojaya, Young Engineer Behind the Second Chance NOAH Project Ivan Gojaya © Special - NOAH started off 2022 with quite a sensation. Ariel and his colleagues received an extraordinary response to their experimental project called Second Chance. They re-released the old album Peterpan, including BINTANG DI SURGA and HARI YANG CERAH.

Behind the success of the re-released songs, there is Ivan Gojaya or commonly called Ivan Iponk. He is an audio engineer trusted to polish the song Di Belakangku and also Bintang di Surga. His presence attracts attention because of his young age.

"Growing up in the 2000s, witnessing the song Bintang di Surga being played everywhere. At that time, everyone knew that song. And now, having the opportunity to mix the song Bintang di Surga is something special," said Ivan when met by the media some time ago.




1. Trending

This project is so shocking that it even became a trending topic. The reason is that NOAH chose rising stars to be featured in their latest music video with a concept similar to the original. Just mention Iqbaal Ramadhan, Anya Geraldine, and also Angga Yunanda.

"We are very happy with the public's enthusiasm. Moreover, the song has been trending everywhere and within three days of its release, almost 10 million people have watched the music video," he continued.


2. Netizen's Response

In addition, Ivan also contributed to 2 songs in the Bright Day album. Those two songs are Kota Mati and the favorite of many people, Bright Day for Lonely Souls. It is definitely a pride for Ivan to be involved in this project, especially since many have praised his expertise.

"The audio of the song is perfect in the ears, it's still cool when repeated," wrote @adisaifulrizal

while an account commented, "Greetings to the mixing mastering team, I want to learn from you," added @iwan.jf



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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