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Just One Month After Release, Hanin Dhiya's Album Receives an Award

Just One Month After Release, Hanin Dhiya's Album Receives an Award Hanin Dhiya (credit: - The beautiful singer Hanin Dhiya has just released her latest album titled Jangan Sampai Pasrah under the label Warner Music Indonesia. What makes it proud is that within just one month of its release, the album has received a Platinum Award from the Indonesian Recording Industry Association (ASIRI).

This award is a form of appreciation for the sales of physical and digital albums. The album Jangan Sampai Pasrah was released on March 1, 2021. According to Alex, the Head of Marketing at Warner Music Indonesia, the calculation is not only based on physical album sales.

"The music industry is different now, with the transition to digital. The calculation is not based on the quantity of copies but on the amount of money. One platinum is equivalent to sales of Rp 1 billion," said Alex at a virtual press conference on Thursday (25/3/2021).

1. Proud Achievements

Of course, these achievements make Hanin Dhiya feel proud. What surprises Hanin is that the album Jangan Sampai Pasrah was just released and it hasn't even been a month yet.

"Thank you so much to everyone who has listened to my album legally, bought my album at KFC, and supported Hanin. Hopefully, this album will bring happiness to everyone even more," said Hanin Dhiya.

2. Released in 2 Formats

The album is released in two formats, physical and digital. In the physical format, which is the deluxe version, there is an additional song titled Fatimah Az Zahra, which is a collaboration between Hanin and the music group Sabyan Gambus.

In the featured song with the same title as the album, Jangan Sampai Pasrah, Hanin also collaborated with Sabyan. The music video about family struggle has been released on February 25, 2021, on Hanin Dhiya's YouTube channel.

"So the story of this album is actually a kind of summary, so there are several songs that I included in the album. I hope that everyone who listens to this album, Jangan Sampai Pasrah, will be motivated and spirited again," concluded Hanin Dhiya.

3. Stay Productive

KLovers, the pandemic has proven not to be a barrier to staying productive and achieving success. The most important thing is to remain disciplined in adhering to health protocols while engaging in activities. Starting from wearing masks, regularly washing hands, maintaining distance, and avoiding crowds. Stay safe and keep your spirits up!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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