Indonesian Idol 2021 Finalist, Dnanda Releases Debut Single 'Tak Sekedar Cinta'
Dnanda even received support from former Naif drummer. - Talented musician Jaz returns with a new single titled Benar Orang Bilang. Actually, the song Benar Orang Bilang is not a new creation by Jaz.
However, the song Benar Orang Bilang was already created by Jaz together with his old friend, Kay Moksin, when he was still in Brunei. In fact, the song Benar Orang Bilang was also once a candidate for his first single.
"The song Benar Orang Bilang has been created for quite a while by me and my friend Kay Moksin. I wrote the lyrics and he composed the guitar melody. Actually, this is one of the songs that was considered as a candidate for my first single in Indonesia. I sent this song and several other songs as demos. But, the one that was chosen was Dari Mata," said Jaz on Monday (4/2/2022).
"This song was almost forgotten. Then, when I was looking for a song for my first single in 2022, I remembered my old songs, one of them being Benar Orang Bilang." When it was sent to the label, this song was liked and finally chosen as my latest single," added Jaz.
Singer Jaz Presents the Song 'Benar Orang Bilang' (Credit: Special)
In Benar Orang Bilang, Jaz collaborated with one of the renowned musicians in Indonesia, Dimas Wibisana. Clearly, Jaz still maintains the pop genre in this song, which has been very familiar to the listeners.
"I am happy to collaborate with Dimas, one of the musicians whose music I like and suits my ears. From just a guitar melody, he completes the musical part," she said.
Then Jaz explained that it didn't take long to work on the song Benar Orang Bilang in the recording studio. Dimas Wibisana's role here is to complement the musical arrangement aspect to make it sound more melodious and enjoyable for Jaz's fans.
"With Dimas' touch, I am confident that this song will sound even better. This new version reminds me of my old songs. Previously, it was only a guitar and lyrics, but now it is complete with music. So, it will definitely be different," said Jaz.
Through Benar Orang Bilang (True People Say), Jaz hopes that this song can connect with many people because it portrays the turmoil of young love that ultimately has to end. The inspiration itself comes from the relationship she had when she was a teenager.
"You could say that this song tells the story of my first love. I used to date for five years at a young age, around 15-16 years old. So, my ex's parents were a bit opposed to our relationship because they thought we were still too young. After five years, we decided to break up for a while. So, this song portrays the moment when we separated. Maybe, those who have experienced first love like me can relate to this song," she said.
"I don't expect too much for this single, as long as it can be accepted by all my music enthusiasts and maybe also attract new people who have never heard of Jaz. Also, pray that my second album can be released soon and I can continue to work by producing music that can be enjoyed by anyone, without exception," she concluded.
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