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Ready to Release New Album, Rich Brian Happy to Have Many Friends in the United States

Ready to Release New Album, Rich Brian Happy to Have Many Friends in the United States © Herdianto - Rich Brian's music career deserves applause. He is one of the Indonesian musicians who have succeeded in the international music scene. Currently, the 23-year-old singer lives alone in the United States. However, he does not feel lonely because he has many friends from 88rising label.

"All my family is in Indonesia, I am alone there (United States). But luckily, I have my friends from 88rising, including Warren Hue. Yes, I'm happy to have good friends there," said Rich Brian when met at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, on Friday (1/9/2023).


1. Revealing His Search for True Friends

As a successful singer in America, this musician, whose name skyrocketed through the song "Dat $tick," also gives advice to young Indonesians who want to succeed in their careers or study abroad. According to Rich Brian, the most important thing is to find true friends and avoid befriending the wrong people.

"Find true friends, don't befriend the wrong people. Especially since I live in LA, it's highly possible for me to be in bad company. Yes, when I'm in LA, I only hang out with Warren (Hue). We hang out every day. Moreover, Warren's family lives there, so I often go to his place," he said.


2. Activities During His Time in America

During that opportunity, the Jakarta-born singer also revealed his activities while being in the United States. It turns out that what Rich Brian does is not much different from other expatriates.

"We often listen to music together, cook, go shopping, and we often cook Indonesian food," he said.


3. Revealing Future Plans

On the other hand, Rich Brian leaked his future plans with 88rising. He plans to release a new album that will be released soon.

"There's a new album, just wait. Every time I upload a photo on social media, there are always people asking when my new album will be released, don't worry, it will be out soon," Brian concluded.


4. Not Only Rich Brian Comes from Indonesia

It is known that Rich Brian and rapper Warren Hue, who are also from Indonesia, together with their label, 88rising, are collaborating with a famous fashion brand, GUESS. GUESS Original x 88rising is currently launched to present a series of clothing suitable for young people. There are 13 collections from this collaboration called GUE88.

The clothing in the GUE88 collection combines campus fashion style with a blend of Western and Eastern cultures. Various collections are presented, from tennis skirts, jackets, and polo shirts, which are sporty and classic.

"We have built a good partnership with 88rising. They are part of the GUESS family and we are proud to continue collaborating and supporting the movements of 88rising," said Nicolai Marciano, Chief of New Business Development at GUESS.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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