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Release of 'Smiling Happy' During the Pandemic, Shinta Priwit Spreads Happiness with the Elderly at the Health Center

Release of 'Smiling Happy' During the Pandemic, Shinta Priwit Spreads Happiness with the Elderly at the Health Center Shinta Priwit © Purwanto - The pandemic apparently did not stop singer Shinta Priwit from creating. She just released her new single titled Smiling Happy a while ago. This is the 4th single from the album 7urus Hidup Makin Asyik which carries the Pop Reggae genre.

This song was first released on almost all radio stations in Indonesia. It is a reinforcement of the previous song titled Smile, My Country.


1. Smile Brings Blessings

If the song Senyumlah Negeriku tells a more global story that includes the country of Indonesia, the entire Indonesian society, nature, and all living creatures, in the song Senyum-Senyum Happy it invites humans to enjoy life, which only happens once, with a happy smile according to the Smile Brings Blessings Campaign.


2. Keberkahan Pasti Datang

Through this song, Shinta Priwit also wants to convey that no matter how difficult the situation we are facing, if we can face it with a smile, blessings will definitely come to us.

The lyrics of the song Senyum-Senyum Happy were written by Shinta herself. As for the arrangement, mixing, and mastering, Andre Mesa provided assistance. She hopes that her work can be accepted and beneficial to many people.


3. Spreading Kindness

"Hopefully this song can be accepted by music lovers in Indonesia and explode in the Indonesian music scene so that I can spread kindness to others," she hopes.

Interestingly, recently on April 1, 2021, Shinta Priwit, together with the Alzheimer's Indonesia Foundation, participated in spreading the Smile Virus and made the elderly at the Sukapura Cilincing North Jakarta Health Center also join in the Smile - Happy Smile while waiting to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking, KLovers. Make sure to always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers will always be healthy! 



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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