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Release Single 'Pukul 5 Sore', Joaquine Invites Listeners to Remember Love in School

Release Single 'Pukul 5 Sore', Joaquine Invites Listeners to Remember Love in School Joaquine releases the latest single (Credit: - The world of music always welcomes new talents that never cease. There are many people who want to perform and want to be famous or want to be appreciated for their work. The same goes for this beautiful woman who has a strong character voice.

She is Joaquine Bernessa Putri Siswadi or commonly known as Joaquine, a talented, beautiful, energetic woman with a unique voice. Unlike other singers, this young girl got a titanium ticket from Rayi RAN during the audition for Indonesian Idol Junior 2018 and at that time Joa entered the top 10.

Realizing her talent from the creator made her not want to stay silent, Joa, her nickname, continues to hone her singing abilities. This can be seen from her musical activities on her social media platforms.

Creativity is her daily life, coupled with the current wide and limitless digital era, making social media a stage that can be directly responded to by followers of her personal account @joaquine3101_.

1. Collaborating with Jeffrey Stefanus

For a young musician in this era, what Joaquine has achieved is a strong foundation to introduce his work. He collaborated with Jeffrey Stefanus as an arranger who has worked with several young singers.

Among the musicians who have collaborated with Jeffrey are Aldi Maldini, Salshabilla Adriani, Aron Ashab, Nagita Slavina, Anneth, Syifa Hadju. This is a good step for Joaquine to establish his career in the Indonesian music industry through his first single.

"The clock's hands point to #Pukul5Sore, I keep waiting for you to answer my message, I'm here replaying our conversation in my mind.." These are some lyrics from Joaquine's latest song.

2. School Days

#Pukul5Sore is the title of Joaquine's latest single. "This song tells the story of a memorable first meeting during school days, starting with unexpected feelings that make the days enjoyable," explained Joa when contacted by phone.

The acoustic atmosphere is strongly felt in this song, with fresh, easy listening, and catchy arrangements, especially with the strong and unique character of Joaquine's voice. It makes you want to hum along while listening.

3. Written by Himself

The lyrics #Pukul5Sore were written by Joaquine himself, the musical notation was assisted by Fenni Widianto and Jeffrey Stefanus, and the acoustic guitar was beautifully played by Reza Edo.

As a singer, Joaquine is ready to liven up Indonesian music with positive works together with Musik PlusPlus as the label.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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