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10 Types of Interviews Based on Definitions and Objectives that Need to be Known

10 Types of Interviews Based on Definitions and Objectives that Need to be Known (credit: freepik) - Often we often hear the word interview. The interview itself is a question and answer activity conducted by two or more people to obtain information. The purpose of the interview itself is certainly to seek information or opinions about a problem. Someone who asks questions is called an interviewer. As for the person who answers the questions or provides information, they are called the interviewee. Generally, interviews are often used for journalistic works.

Yes, for a journalist, conducting an interview is something that cannot be missed and indeed requires special skills to obtain desired information. You also need to know that there are types of interviews that are adjusted to each individual's needs. To make it clearer, here is a more complete explanation of the types of interviews that you need to know. What are they? read the complete review below.

1. Standard Interview

The first type of interview you need to know is a standard interview. This interview is often encountered when conducting job interviews. During this interview, a job applicant will be interviewed by an interviewer. Usually, the questions asked revolve around your job application goals to test whether the job applicant is the right candidate.

2. Flexible Interview

Next, the type of interview you need to know is a flexible interview. This interview is conducted in a natural situation. It is not surprising that the process then occurs like a normal conversation without specific guiding questions. The interviewer is free to ask various questions to the interviewee and it flows according to the interviewee's answers. Usually, the purpose of this interview is to explore specific issues.

3. Presentation Interview

A presentation interview is an interview that discusses business issues and requires presenting solutions to one or more company employees. The allotted time for an individual is 30 minutes. The allocation is 15 minutes for preparation and 15 minutes for the presentation.

In the first 5 minutes, create an outline of the problem and write down the solutions. Then, in the second five minutes, choose the best solution and write down the key points. The key to success in this interview is to prepare the presentation material quickly.

4. Case Interview

The next type of interview is a case interview. Usually, this interview is used by a consulting company. This interview focuses on how you solve a specific business issue or multiple issues. The questions asked may be quantitative questions to assess how you handle the given case.

5. Conference Interview

Conference interviews are one type of interview that you may already be familiar with. This interview is conducted by an interviewer with a number of sources. You often encounter this interview on television shows, talk shows that involve several sources, and interviews that are frequently done on news programs.

6. Group Interview

Group interviews are a type of interview conducted by an interviewer with sources simultaneously. Not much different from conference interviews, the difference is that group interviews provide different questions asked by each interviewer.

7. Telephone Interview

Interviews are not always conducted face-to-face. Yes, interviews can also be done via telephone. Usually, this interview is conducted by a journalist who cannot meet directly with the source. For example, a reporter is interviewing the Minister of Education who is currently abroad and can only conduct the interview via telephone. Although it is done over the phone, this interview is also quite effective to be conducted.

8. Live Interview

In a journalistic work, there are various events that require journalists to conduct live interviews. In a live interview, the most important parts can be recorded to be used later as actual audio illustrations.

A live interview will make a news or information presentation more lively because listeners can directly receive information from the source. This live interview itself can add a human interest aspect.

9. On-site Interview

Furthermore, another type of interview often conducted by journalists is an on-site interview. This type of interview is also commonly referred to as an on the spot interview. Interviews like this are usually conducted during major accidents or natural disasters. So, it can be said that this type of interview is unexpected.

10. Panel Interview

Next, a panel interview may be unfamiliar to some people. This type of interview is conducted where a speaker is interviewed by 5 interviewers. In fact, the interviewers will ask various questions to be answered by the speaker. Usually, the speaker will feel nervous when facing this type of interview. Nevertheless, there are various techniques used to answer questions accurately and confidently.

Those are some types of interviews that you need to know. By doing so, you can gain knowledge about interview types. Hopefully, it will be useful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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