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12 Benefits of White Mustard Greens that Have Abundant Nutrition, Good for Eyes - Bones

12 Benefits of White Mustard Greens that Have Abundant Nutrition, Good for Eyes - Bones Benefits of White Mustard Greens (credit: Freepik) - White mustard greens are one of the vegetables that are often consumed by the Indonesian people. Usually, white mustard greens are processed by stir-frying, steaming, or eaten raw. Having a lot of water content and no taste, makes white mustard greens liked by various groups including children. Even though it looks like it has a high water content, in fact, the benefits of white mustard greens are very numerous for KLovers' body health.

Even the content in white mustard greens is quite a lot, so it's no wonder that this vegetable has many health benefits. White mustard greens, or Chinese cabbage, are not only popular in Indonesia but also in South Korea, where this vegetable becomes an important food and is consumed daily. Yup! In South Korea, white mustard greens are made into kimchi, which is one of the mandatory side dishes that must be present in every meal.

But what are the benefits of white mustard greens for health? Reported from various sources, here are 12 must-know benefits of white mustard greens. Let's check it out.


1. Benefits of White Cabbage

Before knowing the benefits of white cabbage, it's good for you to know what contents are in white cabbage. And in fact, there are many contents in white cabbage KLovers. And here are some of those contents:

Energy 9 calories
Water 96.6 grams
Carbohydrates 1.7 grams
Protein 1 gram
Fat 0.1 gram
Fiber 0.8 grams
Calcium 56 mg
Phosphorus 42 mg
Iron 1.1 mg
Sodium 5 mg
Potassium 193.1 mg
Copper 0.05 mg
Zinc 0.1 mg
Beta-carotene 862 micrograms
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.18 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacin) 0.4 mg
Vitamin C 3 mg
Vitamin K 42 micrograms

With so many incredible contents in white cabbage, it's no wonder that white cabbage has many health benefits for the human body.

2. Immune System

The first benefit of white cabbage is that it can maintain the immune system. This is because white cabbage contains a high amount of protein, and it is this protein that can enhance the body's immune system.

In addition, white cabbage can also generate new antibodies to strengthen the immune system in the body. Moreover, white cabbage can provide extra energy due to the protein content. That is why white cabbage is good for the immune system.


3. Eye Health

The next benefit of white cabbage is that it can promote eye health. This is because white cabbage contains vitamin A, which is believed to provide health benefits for the eyes. Although the vitamin A content in white cabbage is not as high as that in carrots, it is sufficient to maintain daily eye health.

White cabbage can also provide nutrition for the eyes due to the presence of vitamin A. It can be an alternative vegetable for children who do not particularly like carrots. Furthermore, the beta-carotene content in white cabbage is beneficial in preventing macular degeneration and reducing the risk of cataracts.


4. Bone Health

In addition to eye health, another benefit of white cabbage is that it can provide health for your bones, KLovers. In fact, white cabbage can provide good nutrition for your bones because it contains a lot of nutrients. White cabbage also contains calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

And of course, these three substances can provide good nutrition for your bones. In addition, white cabbage can also prevent someone from getting osteoporosis, especially for women who are prone to osteoporosis. That's why if you want to provide natural nutrition for your bones, you can consume white cabbage.


5. Promoting Digestive Health

Good digestion indicates a healthy body. If digestion is unhealthy and irregular, it should be addressed promptly, KLovers. Because unhealthy digestion can lead to conditions such as constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, and stomach cancer.

But don't worry, KLovers, you can overcome digestive problems by using the benefits of white cabbage. This is because white cabbage contains an incredibly high fiber content. So the fiber in white cabbage can improve bowel movement, which will help you overcome constipation and constipation.


6. Suitable for Diet Menu

Having an ideal body weight is indeed one of the dreams of everyone, especially women. And one of the foods that is suitable for a diet is white cabbage. Yup! In fact, white cabbage is one of the vegetables that is very suitable for your diet menu.

This is because leafy vegetables like white cabbage contain various nutrients but are also low in calories. This vegetable is also high in water and fiber content, so it can make you feel full longer. So, this advantage is what makes white cabbage beneficial for those of you who are undergoing a diet program.


7. Preventing Cancer Risks

Cancer is indeed one of the highest deadly diseases in the world. Cancer can happen to anyone, and usually, cancer occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. And to prevent the risk of cancer, you can use the benefits of white cabbage. That's because white cabbage belongs to the cruciferous vegetable group, which is strongly suspected to have anti-cancer compounds.

Even some studies have found that consuming at least three to five servings of this type of vegetable per week can help prevent the emergence of certain types of cancer. Starting from prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, to colon cancer. This is estimated to come from the ability of compounds in white cabbage to activate certain enzymes in the liver, and bind carcinogens or cancer-causing substances.


8. Skin Health

It turns out that white cabbage also provides skin health benefits, KLovers. This is because white cabbage contains antioxidant compounds that function to prevent premature aging of the skin. And this process is by improving blood circulation, so wrinkles on the face decrease due to smooth blood circulation on the face.

In addition, the vitamin C content in white cabbage can also provide nutrition to the skin, so the skin can appear brighter and fresher. Vitamin B1 in white cabbage can also regenerate the skin, so the skin is protected from premature aging and dullness.


9. Good for Kidney Health

Kidney disease will disrupt the function of the kidneys in cleaning and filtering waste or toxins from the blood. When the kidneys are disturbed, various complications such as waste and toxin accumulation, anemia, and electrolyte disorders can occur.

But don't worry KLovers, you can overcome and prevent these problems by using the benefits of white cabbage. For kidney disease patients, it is generally recommended to limit the consumption of high-potassium foods because it can affect the body's fluid balance.

And white cabbage is one of the vegetables with the lowest potassium content. One hundred grams of white cabbage contains 95 milligrams of potassium, or only about 2 percent of the daily potassium needs. This amount is even lower than that of cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, and spinach. So white cabbage is very suitable for those of you who are experiencing kidney problems or want to reduce the risk of kidney disease.


10. Help Lower Cholesterol

Not only kidney problems, it turns out that the benefits of white cabbage can also help lower cholesterol levels in the body. Cholesterol is indeed very important for body health, but if the cholesterol levels in the body are high, it is not good for you. Because you will experience cholesterol disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and even heart problems.

And to overcome this, you can consume white cabbage to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. This is because white cabbage is a good source of soluble fiber for health. A study shows that about 40% of the fiber found in cabbage can dissolve.

A large analysis of 67 studies shows that when people consume 2-10 grams of soluble fiber per day, they will experience a slight decrease in LDL cholesterol levels by about 2.2 mg per deciliter. Soluble fiber has been proven to help lower LDL cholesterol levels by binding cholesterol in the intestines and preventing it from being absorbed into the blood. In addition, white cabbage also contains phytosterols. This substance can lower LDL cholesterol by blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract.


11. Good for Pregnant Women

It turns out that white cabbage is also very good for pregnant women. For pregnant women, all the nutrients found in healthy food are very important for fetal growth. And one of the healthy foods that can help fetal development is white cabbage.

White cabbage is a good source of folate. In fact, 100 grams of white cabbage offers 79 micrograms of folate. This number represents 20% of the daily intake requirement needed by the body. Folate is an important component for human DNA formation. And this nutrient is crucial for pregnant women because sufficient folate intake can prevent neural tube defects in the unborn baby.


12. Treating Inflammation

Another benefit of white cabbage is its ability to treat inflammation in the body. White cabbage does contain various antioxidants that have been proven to reduce chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation that occurs over a long period of time can be associated with many diseases, including heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Even a study involving more than 1,000 women in China showed that those who consumed the highest amount of white cabbage had significantly lower levels of inflammation compared to those who consumed the least amount. This is because of the presence of sulforaphane, kaempferol, and other antioxidants found in this vegetable, which likely have anti-inflammatory effects.


13. Preventing Anemia

And the last benefit of white cabbage is that it can prevent anemia. This is because white cabbage contains iron, so this iron can prevent anemia in someone. For those of you who have anemia, usually have a body with low iron content, so red blood cells decrease and can cause anemia.

Once you have anemia, you will feel dizzy, weak, tired, and easily fatigued. Before that happens, you can consume white cabbage regularly with the right dose to get maximum results.

Those are 12 benefits of white cabbage for body health that are rarely known. Besides being a favorite vegetable, it turns out that white cabbage also has many beneficial contents for the body. In fact, white cabbage can be both nutrition and good medicine for chronic diseases.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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