Kapanlagi.com - Various things that we often encounter can give inspiration. One of them is through cool simple words that can inspire various life problems. Because, with cool simple words, it can teach you about the meaning of life. So that you can take the best messages and wisdom.
Cool simple words can be a choice to express all the hidden feelings. Especially if you are the type of person who can't express feelings directly, then cool simple words can represent it.
In addition to being simpler, cool simple words also contain valuable messages or advice for you. Starting from everyday life, inspiration about love, or inspiration about dreams, you can take valuable lessons from cool simple words.
Interestingly, using cool simple words, you can also upload them through your personal social media account to make your posts more optimal. Besides that, you can also inspire other users with cool simple words.
There are various cool simple words that you can use as references like the reviews below. Here are some cool simple words that inspire, which have been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Cool Simple Words Full of Meaning

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As mentioned earlier, cool simple words full of meaning can contain deep messages and meanings about something. So you can learn valuable lessons through cool simple words full of meaning. The following is a complete review of cool simple words full of meaning that you can read through.
1. Something will be very valuable when it is very difficult to obtain.
2. Dare to start or you will regret it later.
3. Prayer is the simplest and most sincere expression of love.
4. Every step will feel meaningful if accompanied by the consent and prayers of parents.
5. It is better to live one day as a lion than a thousand days as a sheep.
6. Your worth does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.
7. It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not.
8. To be the best, you must be able to handle the worst.
9. Life is a question and how we live it is the answer.
10. The real difficulty is overcoming how you think about yourself.
11. Don't tell people about your plans. Show them your results.
12. Your worth does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.
13. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.
14. Be grateful, be grateful, and be grateful because gratitude is true happiness.
2. Cool Simple Inspirational Words

(credit: freepik.com)
Cool simple inspirational words can give you a meaningful message to wisely respond to something. Here are some cool simple inspirational words that you can use as a reference:
15. The best revenge is to make yourself better.
16. Always thinking positively makes the heart light and calm.
17. Every trial is God's way of strengthening you.
18. Learn to be grateful instead of constantly complaining.
19. Learn to let go and believe in His beautiful plan.
20. Giving will not make us poor.
21. There is always a way for those who are willing to try.
22. It doesn't matter how slow you walk as long as you don't stop.
23. Something will always be impossible until you finish doing it. - Nelson Mandela
24. Some people dream of success, while others wake up every morning to make it happen.
25. Push yourself, because no one else will do it for you.
26. Be proud of who you are, and don't be ashamed of how others see you.
27. Loving yourself means understanding that you don't have to be perfect to be good.
28. Failure is the spice that gives success its taste.
29. A strong heart can sincerely forgive.
3. Cool Simple Words for Social Media Captions

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Cool simple words can also be used as interesting captions for social media. So, with these cool simple words, your posts will become more interesting and optimal. In addition, using cool simple words for captions can attract the attention of other users and bring in many likes. Here are some cool simple words for captions.
30. A mother's prayer is the most beautiful love.
31. Be grateful so that we don't easily complain.
32. Silence doesn't mean ignorance, sometimes it's just tired of knowing enough.
33. Sharing is a sign of a noble heart.
34. Sincerity, a simple word, but its meaning goes beyond love.
35. Appreciate, before it's gone.
36. The beginning of happiness is comfort.
37. When I am tired, only prayer strengthens me.
38. Time changes and makes everything different.
39. Be grateful until you forget the meaning of complaining.
40. Being aware of shortcomings is better than boasting about strengths.
41. Don't forget worship and family just because of busyness.
42. Sincerity is true patience.
43. Silence is better than talking too much.
44. Happiness lies in perspective.
45. Dream in life, don't live in dreams. - Andrea Hirata
46. The only source of knowledge is experience. - Albert Einstein
47. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of yourself. - Kurt Cobain
48. The meaning of life is to give life meaning. - Ken Hudgins
4. Cool Simple Words About Love

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Undeniably, discussing about love always captures attention. Below are some cool simple words about love that you can use as reference and even inspire you. The cool simple words about love are as follows.
49. Patience and sincerity never betray sincerity.
50. I need you like a heart needs a beat.
51. Love is space and time measured by the heart.
52. Love consists of one soul inhabiting two bodies.
53. Good love begins with a good heart.
54. The best remedy for anger is forgiving oneself and others.
55. Love the life you live. Live the life you love. - Bob Marley
56. Let the bodies be separated, not our love.
57. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
58. I promise to love you in every step I take.
59. Love is an act of unlimited forgiveness. - Beyonce
60. My love for you is like the amount of sand on Earth, infinite.
61. Love is a flower, you have to let it grow. - John Lennon
62. Love is a game that can be played by two people and both win. - Eva Gabor
63. Love is an action. Beautiful words and writings are empty talk. - Tere Liye
64. I love you, those are the 3 words that are always present in my life.
65. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. - Nicholas Sparks
66. Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter. - Melissa Marrerat
67. Love that comes from a sincere heart will result in sincere love as well.
68. As long as he is happy, I will also be happy. It's as simple as that.
69. Love is stronger than death. - Robert Fulghum
70. Sometimes the heart can see what is invisible to the eye. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr
71. Love is not seen with the eyes, but with the heart. - William Shakespeare
72. Want to know who I love? Read the first word.
73. 100 hearts are still not enough to carry all my love for you.
5. Cool Simple Words in Javanese

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There are various cool and simple Javanese words that are equally interesting. In addition, these cool and simple Javanese words contain messages and advice for dealing with a problem. Here are some cool and simple Javanese words.
74. Aja mbedakake marang sapadha-padha. (Respect differences, don't discriminate against fellow human beings)
75. Tresno iku mergo ati, ora bakal owah tekane mati. (Love comes from the heart, it will not change until death)
76. Ngelmu iku kalakone kanthi laku. (If you want to be smart, you must learn to seek knowledge)
77. Abot entheng saka panggawene dhewe. (The heaviness and lightness of life depend on the individual)
78. Keep calm. Soothe your mind. God never sleeps. (Calm your thoughts. Calm your heart. God does not sleep)
79. The best person is the one who helps secretly. (Sebaik-baiknya orang adalah yang memberi pertolongan secara sembunyi-sembunyi)
80. Human life is determined by one's own actions. (Kehidupan manusia baik dan buruk adalah akibat dari perbuatan manusia itu sendiri)
81. Don't be tempted by shiny things. (Jangan tergiur barang yang berkilau)
82. Life is like a cup of coffee, if you can't enjoy the taste, it will only be bitter. (Hidup itu bagaikan secangkir kopi, jika kalian tidak bisa menikmatinya yang dirasa hanyalah pahit)
83. Patience is the ability to resist all kinds of temptations in life. (Sabar itu merupakan sebuah kemampuan untuk menahan segala macam godaan dalam hidup)
84. You are like a star, beautiful to look at but difficult to reach. (Kamu itu seperti bintang, yang indah dilihat tapi susah untuk digapai)
85. Many people feel love, but forget and don't know the essence of love. (Banyak orang merakan cinta, tapi lupa dan tidak kenal apa itu hakikat cinta)
86. Quiet in desire, active in work, humble without arrogance, high without being superior. (Bekerja keras dan bersemangat tanpa pamrih, cepat tanpa harus mendahului, tinggi tanpa harus melebihi)
87. Patient people have abundant blessings, surrendering brings a more blessed life. (Orang sabar rezekinya luas, mengalah hidup lebih berkah)
88. Patience is the name of prioritizing patience in life. (Behaving with patience is like a beautiful thing in life)
6. Cool Simple and Funny Words

(credit: Pixabay)
Then there are also cool simple words that are funny yet wise. These words can be light words for advice. Here are some cool simple words that are funny yet wise:
99. "Appreciate your parents, they graduated from school without the help of Google."
100. "Life is like a very long TV show without a remote control."
101. "Those who shower regularly are not as attractive as those who smile regularly."
102. "Women are very susceptible to diabetes because they often swallow sweet promises."
103. "Our bodies rarely meet. But know that this dream is always about you."
104. "Oh God, if she is not my destiny, please remove the word 'not' from this life."
105. "Too many people hope for a hug during the rain. I'm not that naive, your smile is enough to warm me."
106. "My love is not like instant and practical sachet coffee. But, like powdered coffee, it's full of calculation and caution."
107. "Sunglasses can help you observe people without being noticed. Just like Facebook in the real world."
108. "Just like charity, bathing is also the same. If you can only wash your face, just wash your face, don't force it."
109. "When life closes the door for you, just open it again. It's just a door, that's how it works."
110. "I work hard because I realize that money doesn't have legs to walk into my pocket by itself."
111. "We are friends. Always remember, when you fall, I will lift you up, after I finish laughing."
112. "Special moments are moments when you and your friend look at each other and know what you're thinking and finally laugh out loud."
113. "Friendship is like a 'cocoon', sometimes curious! Sometimes complicated!"
114. "Friendship is like wetting your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth."
115. "A friend is like a curse, a beautiful curse that can never be erased."
116. "Even a child cries when they don't have friends, how about this little heart that doesn't have a partner."
117. "I'm not lazy. I'm in energy-saving mode."
118. "A successful man is one who can make more money than his wife spends. A successful woman is one who can find a man like that."
119. "Always follow your heart. But remember, bring your brain too."
120. "Learn from armpit hair, even though it's always trapped, it still stands strong and keeps growing."
7. Cool Simple Words in English

(credit: Pixabay)
And the last one is cool simple words in English. Words can not only be advice for you, but also can be shared with close friends in a cool way. Here are some cool simple words in English:
121. "A strong hope can make your dreams come true." (Sebuah harapan yang kuat dapat membuat mimpi kamu menjadi nyata.)
122. "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." (Lakukan sesuatu hari ini yang mana kita akan berterima kasih padanya di masa depan nanti) - Sean Patrick Flanery
123. "Do your best at every opportunity that you have." (Lakukan yang terbaik di semua kesempatan yang kamu miliki.)
124. "If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal." (Jika rencananya tidak berhasil, ubah rencananya namun jangan pernah merubah tujuannya.)
125. "If we never try, we will never know." (Jika kita tidak pernah mencoba, maka kita tidak akan pernah tahu.)
126. "If you can dream it, you can do it." – Walt Disney (Jika kamu dapat memimpikannya, (maka) kamu dapat melakukannya.)
127. "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can." – Nikos Kazantzakis. (Supaya sukses, pertama-tama kita harus percaya bahwa kita bisa melakukannya.)
128. "It always seems impossible until it's done." – Nelson Mandela. (Suatu hal akan terlihat tidak mungkin sampai kamu bisa melakukannya.)
129. "Never lost hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams." (Jangan pernah kehilangan harapan, karena itu adalah kunci untuk meraih semua mimpimu.)
130. "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." – Hellen Keller. (Optimisme adalah keyakinan yang mengarah pada prestasi. Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan tanpa harapan dan kepercayaan diri.)
131. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." (Menetapkan tujuan adalah langkah pertama dalam mengubah yang tak terlihat menjadi terlihat.) – Tony Robbins.
132. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." (Rahasia untuk maju adalah memulai.) – Mark Twain
133. "There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." (Tidak ada lift untuk mencapai kesuksesan. Kamu harus menaiki tangga.)
134. "We should not give up and we should not to allow the problem to defeat us." (Kita seharusnya tidak menyerah dan kita seharusnya tidak membiarkan masalah itu mengalahkan kita.)
135. "We will never know the real answer before we try." (Kita tidak akan pernah tahu hasilnya sebelum kita mencoba)
136. "When you want to give up, look at back and then see how far you have climbed to reach your goal." (Ketika kamu ingin menyerah, lihatlah ke belakang dan kemudian ketahui seberapa jauh kamu telah berusaha untuk meraih tujuanmu)
137. "When you're able to forgive and smile to the person who hurt you, that's when you make sure that you are better than him." (Saat kau mampu memaafkan dan tersenyum kepada orang yang menyakitimu, saat itulah kau memastikan bahwa dirimu lebih baik darinya.)
138. "You are responsible for your life. You can not continue to blame others for the mistakes in your life.Life is really about continuing life itself." (Kamu bertanggung jawab atas kehidupanmu.Kamu tidak bisa terus menerus menyalahkan orang lain untuk kesalahan-kesalahan dalam hidupmu.Hidup ini sebenarnya adalah tentang melanjutkan kehidupan itu sendiri.)
139. "You do not need to be great to start something.Do it now and do not ever put off because the chance may not come twice." (Kamu tidak perlu menjadi hebat untuk memulai sesuatu.Lakukan sekarang dan jangan pernah menunda karena kesempatan mungkin tidak datang dua kali.)
140. "Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time." (Kelemahan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu menyerah dan kehebatan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu mencoba sekali lagi.)
Nah itulah 140 kata-kata keren simple, menginspirasi dan memotivasi agar hidup makin bermakna.Sejumlah kata-kata keren simple di atas dapat menjadi referensi buat kalian untuk meluapkan semua perasaan.
Sumber: bola.com, Brilio.net
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.