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How to Create a Youtube Account on Mobile and PC, Also Understand the Steps to Maximize Your Channel

How to Create a Youtube Account on Mobile and PC, Also Understand the Steps to Maximize Your Channel How to create a Youtube account (Credit: Pixabay) - Youtube is one of the most popular platforms. Therefore, it is understandable that more and more people want to become creators and search for ways to create a Youtube account. Moreover, besides channeling creativity, Youtube can also be a source of income.

To some extent, the reason for earning income is the cause of someone wanting to know how to create a Youtube account. However, to generate income, you need to consider many things. It doesn't stop at just creating an account.

Therefore, in addition to how to create a Youtube account, you also need to know how to maximize it. Here is some information about that. You can read it as a guide for beginner YouTubers.



1. How to Create a Youtube Account Through a Mobile Phone

You may have thought that Youtube can only be created on a PC. However, technological advancements have made it possible to create an account using a mobile phone. In fact, mobile phones allow you to produce content and manage Youtube with just a few taps.

To start creating, please follow the steps below.

- First, open the YouTube app on your mobile phone.

- For those using Android, your Google account is usually integrated into the YouTube app.

- Select the account icon in the top right corner.

- Next, click on the Your Channel option.

- Once the pop-up appears, you can enter your desired channel name.

- Click Create Channel.

- Your YouTube channel has been successfully created.

- You can change your profile picture, channel description, and even provide links to other websites or social media platforms to expand its reach.




2. How to Create a Youtube Account Through PC

Creating a Youtube account through PC is very easy to follow. You can use the browser you use every day. Next, follow the following steps.

- First, open the website in your browser.

- Click Login in the top right corner and sign in with your Google account.

- After signing in, click on your account in the top right corner.

- Next, select the option Create Channel.

- A pop-up will appear to choose a channel name according to your Google account or create a custom one. Choose a custom name to determine your own YouTube Channel name.

- Next, enter the channel name you want to create, check the terms and conditions, and then click create.

- Your YouTube Channel has been successfully created.

- You can change your profile picture, channel description, and provide links to other websites or social media to expand your reach.

- Next, you can directly showcase your creativity and upload it in the form of videos on Youtube.




3. How to Create a Youtube Account and Maximize Your Channel

In addition to how to create a Youtube account, you also need to know the basic tricks to maximize your channel. Therefore, there are several explanations about it in the following information. You can read it carefully and then practice it yourself with your own creativity.

- Manage a Captivating Homepage

To maximize your YouTube channel, you need to think about what features need to be highlighted. You can start with the icon and header on your homepage. The square-shaped image icon that appears in the upper left corner of your channel, also appears in every video that is played, is very important to pay attention to. The icon represents your YouTube and Google channel, so it is important to make it look attractive in both large or small sizes.

- Maximize Metadata on Videos

Metadata is all the information you include as a video description. This includes the title, tags, and description. Maximizing metadata can get your video ranked on top of YouTube and Google. Content is indeed important, but don't forget about management when uploading. For example, for the title, look for relevant keywords in YouTube's Keyword Suggestion Tool.

In addition, there is also content description that you need to think about. Don't forget to include the main keywords in a few initial sentences. Also, do research to create the description. There are also tags, ideally ranging from 10-20 for each video. Each tag can be a relevant word or phrase related to the content and description you create.

- Video Trailer for New Viewers

If you notice, you will find video highlights at the top when opening a YouTube channel. That's what is called a video trailer that serves to introduce your channel to new viewers. Therefore, this video only appears to viewers who haven't subscribed as a notification about the majority of content on that channel.

Well, KLovers, that's the explanation about the procedure for creating a YouTube account along with tips to maximize it. Pay attention to the steps and start being creative with your YouTube channel!





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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